Sunday, June 7, 2020

In true enlightenment is any understanding really necessary?

This is a very good question! It is not that enlightenment is understood, it is that you are now abiding in an inner atmosphere (consciousness) where what is needed comes to you as it is needed.
The mechanism that we know as our “thinking mind,” a mind full of ideas, overrun by intellect and bogged down by endless filters that interpret our experiences, is now not needed.
In other words, you become free of time processed thinking or linear thinking, where we depend on assembling information and arriving at conclusions.
Now, having said this, will we understand things? Yes, you will understand things clearly. Much more clearly. You will feel happier and relieved not having to judge, assess, analyze, worry about what anyone thinks. Your own truth is now unified. This is true yoga or union when mind, intellect, ego and consciousness are integrated.
It is like returning the colors divided by a prism back to the original pure light -before its divided. This is pure consciousness. The nature of this stage is what my first Master, Durgai Siddhar, calls, “knowledge lessness.”
This type of condition is confused these days by labels such as enlightenment or awakening. Those words imply a swift moment or shift and, “poof” now you are enlightened.
The reality is, these days, enlightenment is a slower process and one you grow into over time. It is less likely to be a “moment.” Instead, one opens like a flower that blooms, gradually unfolding the beauty within. This makes it accessible for everyone.
I recommend meditation on the heart for this. The heart is the seedbed for love, feeling and intuition. While thinking is endless thoughts, the feeling of the heart is only one thing. If we meditate there, this one thing becomes predominant and we grow into a “natural union.”
best to you and All,

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