Tuesday, June 16, 2020

What are the simplest things one can do to make oneself happier?

  1. Never regret a single day in your life. All days were not made equal.
  2. The truth is that you learn more about yourself every time someone says something to hurt you.
  3. Life is an adventure to re-discover ourselves every passing day
  4. Never waste any time feeling sorry for yourself. It will never solve the problem.
  5. You have everything you could ever need to overcome every problem that’s worrying you.
  6. Everything will be okay; maybe not now but soon.
  7. Prayer puts faith into your heart. Faith moves the mountain.
  8. When people say something to hurt you stay calm and do nothing. What’s eating them will soon consume them and you will be free.
  9. Don’t treat people as bad as they are. Treat them as good as you are.
  10. You don’t have to struggle to become happy. Learn from a little child. Just pretend you know nothing.
  11. When you truly don’t care what everybody thinks about you, you have reached a dangerously awesome level of freedom.
  12. The most difficult task in life is to make everybody happy.
  13. Life becomes more meaningful when you realize the simple fact that you’ll never get the same opportunity twice.
  14. The fact that you have somehow come out of a difficult situation before should give you faith to believe that you will also emerge out of this one alive.
  15. Train your mind to stay calm in every situation regardless of how harsh.
  16. What you’re worried about will not happen.
  17. When pain gets deeper, hold on to God tighter.
  18. Whatever things are making you miserable write them down one by one; on a piece of paper. Then burn the piece of paper and watch as your troubles go up in flames.
  19. If God puts a Goliath in front of you, He must believe there’s a David inside of you.
  20. Stop beating up yourself with worry. It’s not your fault and there’s nothing you can do about it.
  21. If you’re going through hell don’t stop before you emerge from the other side.
  22. Happiness flows when you shut your inner ears to negativity.
  23. When people keep attacking you from the outside keep attacking them from the inside.
  24. Whoever is trying hard to bring you down is beneath you.
  25. Never waste your precious time discussing other people. You’ll only be subjecting yourself to further internal injury.
  26. It’s Okay to be unhappy. This is the only way to appreciate happiness.
  27. When you depend on other people to make you happy you are living at someone else’s expense.
  28. When you feel unhappy maybe all you need is a dose of new fresh air.
  29. When happiness doesn’t seem to come your way find out if there’s someone you made unhappy. Life has a way of meting out revenge.
  30. The greatest prison people live in, is the fear of what other people think.

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