Friday, June 26, 2020

Heartbreaking facts?

Learn to wipe your own tears, because when you let others do that for you, they most times come with a deal.
The life you're living right now, no matter how terrible it may seem, is a dream come true for many.
Never compare yourself with others, they might not stand your struggles.
Stupidity is when you compare your beginning with someone else's end.
Don't turn down a reason to be happy, take it. Life is very fragile.
Idiots think they are geniuses and the true geniuses think they know nothing or are bathing in self-doubt.
Kind-hearted people go through more shit than any other.
No matter how badly you want a person, no matter how you make them feel, you can't make them stay if they don't want to.
The life of others will continue without you.
Learn to say No, it will save you from a lot of drama.
He who thinks money can't buy happiness isn't poor enough.
As harsh as it may sound, life is a solo trip with many visitors. In the end, we all die alone.

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