Sunday, June 28, 2020

Boosting self esteem

People who are unhappy with themselves and/or life in general will have a VERY difficult time believing the following, but I swear this works, and it need be anymore complicated.
  1. Gratitude: come up with 3 unique things you are grateful every day, no repeats. Write them in a blog, or journal. Share them over the phone or via email with a friends. An attitude of gratitude throughout each and every day does wonderous things for one’s esteem.
  2. Look for the good in others and sincerely compliment them whenever you can. Few people receive the appreciation and recognition they deserve and need. Recruit anyone who asks what you are doing to join you in your quest for being a good finder.
  3. Look for the good in all that you are. You are unique, no one else on the planet has the same gifts, strengths, joys and loves.
  4. Avoid sarcasm and cynicism with all the effort you can muster. Both are hurtful and tear people down.
  5. Whatever it is that you strive to do, practice, Practice, PRACTICE! Strive to thrive in your efforts, not merely survive! The world desperately needs you to live and express your talents at the highest level possible. No one is served by you living small.

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