Tuesday, June 30, 2020

How can I be less emotional?

  1. Never suppress: Suppressing your emotions is the reason you're experiencing this in the first place. Be brave enough to let your emotions out.
  2. Ask for help: Emotional strength comes from vulnerability. Whether it’s a professional or friend, talk to someone.
  3. Know yourself: Know what makes relaxes you. As long as you are alive problems won’t stop. Having an action plan to calm yourself will help.
  4. Positive proof: Your mind tends to look for “how things won’t work out”. Flip that and start looking for proof on how things are working for you. Every little step is a win.
  5. Meditate: Learn to observe your thoughts and feelings as they arise. It took me a year of meditation to harness this, but it was worth it.
  6. Self-care: Make yourself feel loved and cared for. Take care of your body, take a day off, get a massage, etc.
  7. Be patient: Nobody is perfect. This isn’t going to get fixed overnight. You shall gradually build up control as you start to fix the real issues.

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