Tuesday, June 30, 2020

What can I do to become more bold and confident?

  1. Stop taking actions based on other people opinion, be your own personal decision maker.
  2. Try to know how to use to word NO more than you use Yes.
  3. Start doing your own thing in your own way and avoid copying others of whatever they are doing.
  4. Set some bigger goals and work hard towards them. The more you more achieve those goals the more confident you become in life.
  5. Have some personal rules and let your acquaintances know those rules too. You will earn more respect for that and that is boldness.
  6. Learn to politely challenge higher authority like consulars, Immigration officers, teachers and law enforcement officers. Proofing those people wrong always boost ones confidence in life.
  7. Always try new ideas out, avoid discouragement and always encourage yourself.
  8. Be a critic lover, the more you able to prove your critics wrong, the bolder you become in life.
  9. Travel to a destination where many people would usually not want to visit because of discomfort.
  10. Take risks.

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