Wednesday, June 17, 2020

What are the important lessons you learnt in life?

  1. Just look at reality.
  2. Follow logic. If something is not adding up.. it’s not adding up. No excuses. No ifs or buts. There is no point, why are you looking for one?
  3. Don’t make abstract ideals your life goals. Fame, beauty, status, marriage, wealth, security, THE dream, money, material things, work, youth, approval, love, trends, happiness, success.. They are vapid in their essence. Because they are not real. You’re chasing vapidity.
  4. Choose to blossom when they choose to wither away.
  5. If you don’t know what curiosity feels like, never have been curious or just have never been taught to be, it should be your no. 1 goal from now on. Be curious.
  6. In order to feel meaning, you need to be able to connect.
  7. If you can’t connect to anyone, you need to work on yourselfDon’t hide from it.
  8. You don’t connect to just anyone either. You need to be selective. You can’t be selective in thought. You need to go out and experience what you tolerate and what you don’t tolerate.
  9. Do NOT reduce people to categories. Just don’t.
  10. But then don’t buy into the lie that everybody is the same. We are not. If you believe this, you’ll live a so predictable life, you could have predicted it yourself. And if you can’t do that right now, I will predict it for you.
  11. Evil exists. It has to exist in order for good to exist. It’s logic. Again, we are not all the same.
  12. You’re essentially a product of all the decisions you make every second.
  13. You are inherently free. People can’t do anything to you unless you let them.
  14. When you feel, just feel. It doesn’t have to make you do anything. You don’t have to react. You don’t have to go into panic. Just let it be there and pass. You’re here to experience.

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