Does God exist?

Do I exist?
Ask this question yourself.
Nobody has any doubt about this.
Then applying this to one and all, all of us exist.
Can you ever say that ‘I do not exist’? Imagine you said that.
Then there must be the ‘existence’ of that which is telling that ‘I do not exist’.
Does our name exist?
‘Name’ has no independent existence. It requires the life of the body for its existence. As soon as we are dead, we are not called by our names but called ‘body’.
The name ‘God’ does not exist because it is just a name given to ‘existence’.
We are all fighting over a non-existing name ‘God’.
Then what is this existence?
It is not our physical body, or it is not that where all physical bodies of the entire universe are put together.
For those who are interested, I will teach you a bit of Sanskrit and Hindu explanation of God.
Physical body = Sthula sareera
God is not the physical body Sthula Sareera Vyatirikta (other than)
In the same way, God is not the subtle body (mind + intellect etc) = Sukshma Sareera Vyatirikta
God is not the software (Karana or causal body) of the mind and the body= Karana Sareera Vyatirikta
Therefore, God (the non-existent name) can be defined as Sthula Sukshma Karana Sareera Vyatirikta (It is not any of these three). It means God is not the physical body, subtle body or causal body.
God is in the form of awareness witnesses (Sakshi)in our body that witnesses the wakeful state (Jagrat), dream state (Swapna) and deep sleep state (sushupti). By adding this trait to the previous statement God’s definition becomes: (It witnesses the wakeful, dream and deep sleep states)
Sthula Sukshma Karana Sareera Vyatirikta Jagrat Swapna Sushupti Sakshi (It is not the physical, mental or software causal body but the witness of waking, dream and deep sleep states)
There are five layers to everybody and they are: Physical body (Anatomy); Physiological body (physiology); mind (psychology) intellect (discrimination) and software (causal). God is not any of these five. Therefore, we can say Panchakosa (five layers) vilakshana (other than) (It is other than the five layers of our body instrument)
Let us add whatever we have understood so far and form a definition of so-called God:
Sthula Sukshma Karana Sareera Vyatirikta Jagrat Svapna Sushupti Sakshi Pancha kosa vilakshana (IT is not the gross, subtle or causal body; IT is the witness of waking, dream and deep sleep states; and other than the five functional layers of our and universe’s body)
If it is not all this, what is it then?
It is very ‘Existence (Sat)’ and ‘Consciousness (Chit)’ and ‘Bliss (Ananda)’ minus all paraphernalia mentioned above.
Then what is our God?
Sthula Sukshma Karana Sareera Vyatirikta Jagrat Svapna Sushupti Sakshi Pancha kosa Vilakshana Sat Chit Ananda. (It is Existence-Consciousness-Bliss)
Every Hindu in particular and every human being in general should rote learn the definition of God given above. We should try to realize this God. We realize this only when we forget all those what we have mentioned above. Should we forget the body, mind and the associated world, we are Sat Chit Ananda. That is what is to be realized.
We are already that but we have to drop all three bodies, three states, and five layers of the body and identify with that which is ‘Existence’ itself.
It is not difficult but our minds will resist learning this. If we can read twice, thrice and many more times and learn the definition of God, then we learn so much of ourselves!
Thank you
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