Sunday, June 14, 2020

How do I gain self confidence daily?

  1. Accept yourself - you might have made mistake all your life and be nothing but a pitiful victim of fear. That's just life. You're not going anywhere until you accept yourself; both the good and the awful.
  2. Groom yourself - dress nicely and take care of yourself.
  3. POWER pose - learn to open up your body and fake the confidence. It won't change how you feel but it will make you look confident.
  4. Meditate - it will make your mind clearer and make you see things in the proper perspective.
  5. Read self improvement - I don't know what you've heard about self improvement but it's life changing. Do it daily.
  6. Accept fear - stop fighting fear and seeing it as a curse. Fear is just our natural avoidance mechanism for the uncertain. It's a mind trick that looks real. And it's not going away. So do it a favor by accepting it.
  7. Start small - I started socializing by saying nothing but going out to smile at people and make eye contact. Learn to start with really really small actions.
  8. Exercise - exercise releases dopamine that makes one feel good and confident.
  9. Surround yourself with confident people - one thing I've learned is that confidence is contagious and so is the lack of it. So keeps asking yourself “who are the most confident people around me”, once you find them, spend your time with them.

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