Friday, June 26, 2020

What psychological tricks and hacks are useful to know?

1.To get the full version of a story with more details: Simply listen to a person without pushing them for additional information or giving advice. This will significantly increase your chances of getting more information.
2.To avoid repeating yourself: When you ask someone a question and they reply with “What?”, simply stare at them. In most cases, the person will answer your question. This trick works because for most people, it’s like a habit to ask “What?” even if they heard you. So staring at them will do the trick to make them answer you.
3.To diffuse the tense air after the argument: Wait for a few minutes after the argument is over. Then ask a person a question about the thing they are passionate about or know very well.
Most of the time, results will end with success as the person will feel happy after talking about their favorite thing and forget about the argument.
However, note that this trick may not work in the case of major, tense arguments. It’s more handy when it comes to minor, relatively less tense arguments.
4.To successfully handle constant questions of a curious kid: Kids are naturally inquisitive; there’s no denying that. And sometimes their inquisitiveness can be a hassle to deal with, especially when you don’t have the answers to those questions yourself.
So next time a kid asks you a question, instead of struggling to find a proper answer, reply with “I’m not really sure. What do you think about it?”. More often than not, the kid will answer to their own question.
5.To avoid sounding like you are ordering around: “Say I need your help with this”, instead of saying “I need you to do this” or “I want you to do something”.
6.To avoid being seen as a negative person: Don’t talk trash about people behind their back. First, it’s unethical and second, it’ll make other people associate all those negative qualities with you.
7.To solve something complex: Start by telling yourself that the task is easy and solvable. You may not be able to solve it completely, but at the very least, you won’t be distracted by the negative thoughts of not being able to solve it.
8.To boost a motivation and elevate the mood before you start your day: Listen to motivational or upbeat music.
9.To make someone uncomfortable: During a conversation, avoid eye contact and instead gaze at a person’s forehead. However, don’t forget to remain ethical and only use this trick on people who deserve to have this trick used on them.
More specifically, people who are actually annoying, nosy and invaders of personal privacy, to name a few.
10.To ease your anxiety: Purposefully and slowly look all around you to scan the whole area or room. This trick can calm your nervous system by confirming that there is no immediate physical danger present.
11.To avoid conflict and drama: Compliment, not insult, people behind their back.
12.To avoid looking like a-know-it-all: When someone tells you something, reply with “You are right” instead of “I know”.

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