Wednesday, June 17, 2020

What are some bitter truths about human nature?

  1. We are the most unstable species. Our brain is more complex, complicated and twisted too. It keeps on pondering best over better. We can never settle with our present lives..!
  2. We value anger more than love. We see many ego clashes and tantrums rather than all time love bites..!
  3. We live for appreciations. Is it bad to seek appreciations? Quite questionable..!
  4. Impulsive people are real threat. They lack ability to self control and coordinate with common sense..!
  5. We live with a fear. Fear of failure, fear of rejection, fear of living life at lowest point, fear of losing people..!
  6. Cowards disguise within masks of over confidence. True. If not, observe over confident people around you..!
  7. We instantly like the ones who support us. We develop hatred towards the ones who are logical..!
  8. We cannot stand ones who are intelligent and smarter than us. Here comes the deal, an intelligent person always chose dumb one. Maybe it's some smart move..!
  9. There's nothing called laziness, that exists. It's our disinterest. Few hate to study, so they sleep. Few hate to work, so they watch web series..!
  10. We crave for freedom. Kids want freedom to sneak out of homes. Teenagers want freedom to travel alone. Newly wed couple want freedom to escape to privacy. Middle age people want freedom to escape from stressful life and old-age people want freedom from fear of death..!
Believe me, Human heart is stubborn with a firm HOPE..!

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