What is the best way to improve life?

Imagine you want a plant at your house. You don't know how to plant it but you want it badly in your balcony.
You start a research how to plant a plant. You took the help from the internet, youtube, ask the experienced one, gone through books and after days of research you now have knowlegde of each and everything about planting a plant at home.
Now you started implementation of your knowlegde and keeping all the knowlegde in mind you started to plant that plant. You are keeping a check on everything like keeping the soil moist, making sure that pot has a drainage hole, you are placing it near light etc.
You gave your dedicated time and you took extra care to grow that plant. From your busy schedule you were able to give time to it just because you were passionate about it and after few months you were able to see the end results as growing the plant and flowers on it. You were delighted.
Our life and dream are just like this plant only. Only mere knowledge will not help us to get our goals. Knowlegde and dedicated time to implement it will help in achieving it.
If you want something in your life you will have to sacrifice one thing and that is your time. More time you will spend working on your dream more you will get the results.
Take a challenge to yourself and start slowly. You cannot lift 150kg weight on first day, but yes you can lift 10kg or may be even 5 but atleast you are far better than those who are just laying in bed thinking to earn crores. Just refer to the below points and you will be able to see the changes:
- Do what you like even you are doing it for even 10 minutes in a day. You will automatically shift the gears after few days.
- Remember the plant theory, nothing comes in a single day. Keep practicing.
- Once you reach one hour daily. Imagine you will be able to give 30 hours in a month. Now that's a wonderful thing you will be able to see the changes.
- Research, Research, Research. Yes keep researching about your dream, goals. More you will research more you will get curiosity and it won't let you sleep.
- Don't count how many times you are failing but keep those numbers in your mind how many times you are rising again.
Take a pledge to yourself from today itself and you can get back to me after 30 days if you won't see any changes. :)
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