Sunday, June 28, 2020

Can a person be depressed for no reason whatsoever?

There’s a saying: Everything happens for a reason. Nothing is born just like that. Same goes with depression as well.
There are two types of people suffering from depression:
  1. Those who can directly relate to the reason of their feeling low.
  2. Those who feel that they’ve no reason to feel depressed or they don’t really understand why they’re dejected.
A lot of us sometimes go through the second sort of depression. A part of us believe that we’re cowards, afraid to face the truths, i.e. afraid to acknowledge or rather accept the harsh realities. We all want to live in a scenario where everything is perfect, working according to our wish: A default in our head, a goal we want to achieve. Time and again we envisage such a futuristic picture and console our current cacophonous situations.
Depression can occur due to work related issues, your career and even due to problems in personal relationships.
Let’s take an example:
Let’s say you’ve a really close friend who you believe is the perfect one until one day you find out that he/she is not that flexible anymore. You wonder what has gone wrong, though that person gives you a belief that everything is fine, which makes you hopeful, but time and again there’s this gut feeling which reminds you that he/she’s not the same one anymore.
You’re hurt but you don’t realize it.
You’ve a life. You’ve your own work to do everyday, you don’t get much time to think about it, but in your subconscious you know something’s disturbing you, something’s hovering on to you, something’s eating you up piece by piece until a day comes when you can’t take it anymore. You look back and try to find out what might be the cause in this multitude of rational reasoning but you fail to pinpoint anything particular.
A depression, which you can now call ‘A depression without reason’.

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