Sunday, June 7, 2020

What's the greatest secret of life?

I consider these observations to be the greatest secrets of life:
  1. Most of the people have enough reasons to be happy….
  2. Happiness can be found within, anytimeanywhereOne has to look within oneself. One has to develop this inner language, this inner communication….
  3. Happiness and sorrow are ‘relative’ feelings. We may consider ourselves miserable if we keep yearning for that perfect life. But we’d feel joyous if we realize that we are living a life which is far better than millions of downtrodden people throughout the world. (So, when we feel miserable in our lives, we should look at the people who live worse lives, but still find enough joy to live.)
  4. No one can hurt us, if we remain strong. This is quite simple. I will not feel hurt if I am emotionally strong. I have the choice: whether to feel hurt, or not. I choose not to feel hurt. This preserves me and makes me strong. (Someone trolls me/makes hurtful statements, I don’t bother.)
  5. Knowing oneself is important for happiness. A person who knows oneself is not guided by external influences. He/she is governed by the internal voice. Such a person is more confident and always aware of what he/she wants. (One knows oneself by looking within oneself. We have to look within, to know ourselves better.)

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