Saturday, June 20, 2020

What are 5 of your habit-changing goals?

Here are 5 habit changing goals:
  1. The 1-minute rule:
    Whenever I don’t feel like doing something (like folding the laundry), I tell myself that I will do it for only 1-minute and then stop. What’s interesting is that once I get started, I often finish as the hardest part about many chores is the start of it.
  2. Having a to-do list:
    It seems obvious, but you will be surprised how easy it is to not do something when you’ve not written it down. I make sure that I plan my day at least a day in advance, and include the important tasks that need to be done.
  3. Listening more than talking:
    When having conversations, I pay attention to how much I speak vs how much I listen. If I am speaking more, it either means that I am not listening well, or that I am not asking the right questions that make the other person want to speak.
  4. Move, every day:
    I make sure that I get some form of exercise on a daily basis. Some days it would be 1 hour of cycling followed by an hour of workout at the gym, and some days it would simply be climbing 3 flights of stairs.
  5. Journal:I started writing in a bullet point format, listing all the things that I did on that day. My writing has evolved now, and it has become an amazing way for me to structure my thoughts and process my emotions. I try to journal daily, and I personally write it on Google Drive, but some people prefer to use pen and paper.
All of these habits take time to develop. Choose one and be persistent. Keep track of how you are progressive and reward yourself if you stick to a habit for a certain duration of time.

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