Saturday, June 13, 2020


  1. First of all make a positive change of your surrounding. Be it your friends or your room. Your surrounding has immense impact on you. Clean your room or decorate it in your way. You will feel the positive change immediately.
  2. Write down your task for tomorrow on a paper. It will make you more focused about your planning. Just write it and feel your clear head instantly. Trust me, it feels good.
  3. Wake up early in the morning. Sleep early in the night. That's our natural cycle.
  4. Exercise is the MOST IMPORTANT INGREDIENT of your self improvement.
Do exercise religiously for certain period of time regularly. Research says it has tremendous impact on your mental and physical well-being. And if you continue to do it, you are a winner.
5. Read few pages of good book every day. Make it a habit.
6. Appreciate everyone for good things. Motivate someone to do good act. Accept your flaws and make fun of it. It will be easy to mitigate those flaws if you accept in first hand.
7. Meditate for 5 minutes everyday. Accept my challange. It's difficult to achieve.
8. Free from fear. Fear is a mental condition. If you train your mind accordingly it will do wonder. Try AUTO SUGGESTION technique.
9. Limit your time on mobile. It's hard but it is important. Make a time table and you will know clearly how you are spending your precious time.
10. There are another thousands way to improve yourself. But above all of those the most important one is to start from point one.

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