Thursday, June 18, 2020

How can you refresh your mind in ten minutes during long study sessions?

Try these 5 quick tips to energize your mind and take a well-deserved break during long study sessions.

Quick tip #1. Have some food for your stomach AND your brain.

You are going to get hungry from all that mental activity, right? Not a big surprise. But be smart about it. Use your break to eat something that is healthy and gives you energy. Did you know that excellent brain food includes sardines, beets, spinach, and lentils? Try to incorporate these and other foods into your daily meals to enhance your brain power. Try this quick boost to replenish that energy you need: a handful of walnuts and dried fruit. And don’t forget to drink plenty of water!

Quick tip #2. Take a real pause from it all.

A real pause means stepping away. First, get away from your desk. if possible, get close to a window and look outside. Stand up straight. Lift your arms above your head and do a full body stretch, reaching for the sky. Then lower your arms and do a set of 10 deep breaths, inhaling through your nose and exhaling through your mouth. Do it with your eyes closed if you like. When you’re done, make yourself a nice a cup of coffee or tea.

Quick tip #3. Have a short mental break.

In other words, give your brain a chance to rest for a bit. First, find a comfortable space such as a couch, an armchair, or even your bed if you’re at home. Then, block away environmental noise with noise-cancelling headphones. Pick some music that can help you relax; it can be anything that is instrumental (no lyrics), or classical music, or a chill out playlist, or a podcast featuring sounds of nature. The goal is to unplug from studying, rest your eyes for a bit, and give your brain a chance to focus on something pleasant for a few minutes.

Quick tip #4. Make some time to practice mindfulness.

Believe it or not, you can train your brain to be more calm and focused by meditating for 10 minutes. This practice can help you deal better with the huge volume of information that you are subjected to during those grueling study sessions. And, as you’ve probably experienced, you might as a result feel overwhelmed and stressed out from it all. The biggest benefit of meditation is that it actually helps you calm your thoughts (and an added bonus, it can help you feel better).  It’s super easy and fun, especially if you’re a beginner.

Quick tip #5. Give your body a real physical challenge.

Performing some form of physical exercise, even when it is targeted and short, improves your brain's cognitive performance, problem solving ability, and even boosts long-term memory. Pick an activity you enjoy doing, or choose something entirely new to keep your mini-workout workout more interesting. Try a morning yoga routine, a set of Hindu push ups or sun salutation poses, or a set of squats, lunges, and push ups to get your circulation going and give you the energy you need to continue with your day. You’ll notice a big difference, and it will improve your mood!

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