How do I train my subconscious brain?
Here’s How You Can Train Your Subconscious Mind to DO ANYTHING You Want…(In 6 Steps)
Step 1
You need to decide what it is you want to train your subconscious to DO.
It’s important you are very clear as you need to be able to create a clear image or desired results.
Step 2
Once you’re clear on what it is you want to train your subconscious mind to do…
Take the time morning and night to quite your mind for about 10–20 mins.
These are the best times as your brain is in an alpha state upon awakening and going to sleep.
This state is known as relaxed wakefulness.
It’s the best time to impress something on your subconscious.
Step 3
In the morning and night when you’re quieting your mind…
Mentally rehearse what it is you want to train your subconscious mind to do.
For example…
If it’s to become better at martial arts then you would rehearse seeing yourself doing the things an excellent martial arts expert would do.
Thing like…
Training 5 times a week.
Spending time practicing punching techniques
Keeping fit and flexible
Step 4
Write down all the limiting thoughts and behaviors that you expect might (or currently) hold you back from doing what it is you want.
You are then going to look to become conscious of those thoughts or behaviors.
Examples might be…
- I haven’t got the time to train 5 times a week.
- I’m too old to become good at martial arts.
- I can’t be bothered to exercise tonight.
The list goes on.
Step 5
Decide what you’re going to THINK or DO INSTEAD when you become aware of those thoughts or behaviors.
An example could be…
- I’ll make the time to train 5 times a week
- I’m never too old to become good at anything.
- Even though I don’t feel like exercise tonight, I will anyway as that’s who I am.
The list goes on.
Throughout the day you need to be on the lookout for the limiting thoughts or behaviors you listed in step 4…
When you become aware of yourself thinking or acting in those limiting ways…
You will straight away THINK or DO the thing you planned to THINK or DO instead.
The key here is don’t let those thoughts or behaviors slip by unconsciously.
Next is,
Step 6
Repeat steps 1–5 till you’ve successfully trained your subconscious brain to do what you want.
In neuroscience, they say neurons that “fire together, wire together”.

So the more you do steps 1–5 the stronger are those neuro pathways you’ve created in your brain will become.
So that’s how to train your subconscious brain to DO anything you want.
I help this helps!
Also, if you want to train your brain to achieve your goals there’s also a tool called Mind Movies that can help train your brain to BE, DO or HAVE anything you want.
I did an article here on it that you may want to check out.
Either way, those step 1–6 will help you train your subconscious mind to do what you want.
Thanks and good luck :-)
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