Sunday, June 7, 2020

Is there such a thing as a "law of love"?

30 Universal Laws of Love

1. To be strong love the weak.
2. To be rich love the poor.
3. To be high love the lowly.
4. To be just love the oppressed.
5. To be wise love the uneducated.
6. To be whole love the broken.
7. To be spiritual love the unspiritual.
8. To be loved love the unlovable.
9. To be heavenly love the earthly.
10. To be helpful love the unhelpful.
11. To be kind love the unkind.
12. To be caring love the forsaken.
13. To be encouraging love the disappointed.
14. To be accepting love the rejected.
15. To be desirable love the undesirable.
16. To be merciful love the unjust.
17. To be humble love the proud.
18. To be pleasant love the unpleasant.
19. To be decent love the indecent.
20. To be influential love the obscure.
21. To be friendly love the friendless.
22. To be impartial love the partial.
23. To be tolerant love the intolerant.
24. To be mature love the immature.
25. To be fortunate love the unfortunate.
26. To be forgiving love the unforgiving.
27. To be valuable love the unvalued.
28. To be great love the insignificant.
29. To be extraordinary love the ordinary.
30. To be powerful love the powerless.

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