Thursday, June 25, 2020

How can I control my subconscious mind?

  1. You have trained your subconscious mind before. If you can drive, write, walk,etc., without thinking about the activity, it’s your subconscious mind at work.
  2. Your subconscious mind holds beliefs like — “I need to work hard to achieve success” “It’s safe for me to stay alone because people will abandon me”.
  3. You act on these beliefs without thinking — “You take on work that requires you to suffer” “Push people out of your life”.
  4. You must replace the old beliefs with better ones — “I can get success easily” “People won’t leave me when I open up to them”
  5. After replacing, take repeated action to strengthen them — ”Find a way to make work easier” “Go open up to a friend”.
  6. With repetition your new beliefs will become automatic — and your life effortless.

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