Saturday, June 27, 2020

Self-confidence day after day

  1. Not Engaging with Pessimistic People, Gossipers and Negative People - It’s not valuable, nor productive, to talk to people like this. It often just leads to worse feelings.
  2. Finding Similarities not Differences - To avoid comparing themselves in a negative way they look for similarities and figure out what makes them closer to the other person.
  3. Talking about Problems Too Much - Of course they identify the problems, but everything after that is Solution-Talk.
  4. Feeling Entitled - As best as they can they remember that what they have is not a given. They are lucky, blessed, and incredibly grateful for what they have.
  5. Giving In - Successful People bind themselves to their goals not time. They get things done, no matter what it takes, instead of setting a time limit by which they will go to bed. They do not give in.
  6. Not Staying in their Comfort Zone - The greatest things in life come to you when you leave your comfort zone and give life a chance outside of it!
  7. Under delivering and Under committing - Instead, over promise and over deliver on that promise! It will build a confidence higher than any other!
  8. Being Passive - The more passive you are the more you play into other people’s games and walk a path that you never wanted to walk. Make your own choices. Choose your own life. Walk your own path.

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