Saturday, June 13, 2020

What are some signs of being mentally weak?

  1. You always hide in your comfort zone.
  2. You don’t try new things because you fear failure.
  3. You give up easily because the tasks are too challenging.
  4. You complain a lot to the people around you.
  5. You are always looking at other people’s lives and never working on yourself.
  6. You let society dictate your goals and dreams.
  7. You are a people-pleaser.
  8. You are afraid to voice your true opinions.
  9. You let people step all over you.
  10. You seek the easiest way out.
  11. You readily give up your morals or principles in exchange for something gratifying.
  12. You don’t fight for what you want.
  13. You follow the herd.
  14. You make up excuses convincing yourself you can’t accomplish the things you want to do.
  15. You engage in useless gossiping.

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