Wednesday, July 29, 2020

What are the best one-minute life hacks?

1. Never share your problems to anyone because 80% don’t care and 20% of them will become happy that you have it.
2. People don’t care for you when you are alone they just care for you when they are alone.
3. Your friends no matter how much they close to you, will disappear with TIME.
4. Your time is limited so don’t waste it living someone else's life.
5. Don’t be attached too much with anyone in this world because they will forget you after meeting a person who is beneficial for them more than you.
6. Don’t depend on others to do your work because you only are responsible for your success and failure.
7. No one is real in this world except your Parents.
8. Silence and smile are two power full tools, silence is the way to solve many problems and smile is the way to avoid many problems.
9. No one is really busy. It all depends on what number you are on their priority list.
10. You will see person’s true colour when you are no longer beneficial to their life.

Thank you for reading.

Shyness and Confidence

1) Make the effort to go where people are. You can’t overcome shyness by staying at home. Just doing something, anything builds your confidence. “Eighty percent of all success is just showing up.”
2) Ask questions of clerks in stores. They HAVE to talk to you. It helps you find you are able to talk to people
3) Strand up straight. It makes you feel powerful.
4) Smile all the time. It makes you approachable.
5) Look people in the eye and practice, practice, practice. Looking people in the eye is harder than you would think and it takes practice. Have a contest with yourself and see if you can get them to look away first. You will see that everyone is afraid. Almost everyone is shy.
6) Forget about being embarrassed no matter how bad. You got caught picking your nose? Wave your finger in the air. You wet yourself in public because you couldn’t make it to the bathroom? Throw your hands up and say, “Oh sure!” and laugh at yourself. Embarrassment lasts about 5 minutes and the one thing you will find is that most people will help you out of an embarrassing predicament. Some people enjoy humiliating others - don’t let them. Stand up straight and say, “Oh well, you got me this time!” and laugh like it doesn’t matter - it doesn’t because they don’t. Rise above and always maintain your dignity - it’s something no one can take from you unless you surrender it.
7) Never be serious about anything. Laugh at yourself and situations. Over-exaggerate your body movements when talking. At least you will distract people.
8) Say what you want, and get to the point. Don’t try to obscure what you’re saying to disguise what you want somehow. Know what you want then demand it.
9) Help others who are shy and less confident. It will make you a giant
10) Practice speaking in public. Tell people it terrifies you. This inoculates you from your mistakes or occasional stuttering and engenders sympathy. The more you can talk on a public stage the more confident you will be
11) Accept that rejection is a part of life and you will be rejected more than you will be accepted. People have their own wants and needs and aren’t required to accept yours. But there are people - lots of people, lots and lots of people, who WILL accept you. Do not be discouraged by rejection.
12) Talk yourself up all the time. Tell yourself you’re great and great things will happen. “You do not have the luxury of a negative thought.”
13) Take risks. Get out there and talk to that gorgeous person. Don’t ask them out, just talk. Can’t think of what do say, then comment on the weather and see how they respond then ask them about them. Never ask “yes” or “no” questions; always ask “how” and “why” questions.
14) Confidence is nothing more than believing in yourself all the time, even when your wrong lots of the time. Never doubt yourself. “They seemed to be able and so they were able.”
15) Forget about externalities like clothing or hair or affectations. Your confidence, posture and smile and ability to laugh at yourself will overcome the coffee you spilled on yourself right before the big interview.
16) Be good at something - anything - stamp collecting, fixing lawnmowers, bike riding, re-upholstering furniture. It doesn’t matter what it is - being good at something gives you the confidence that spills over into your everyday life. If you can be good at something you can be good at anything.
17) Treat people with kindness and respect. If you get too confident then you’re on your way to arrogance and arrogance is unlovable.
18) Ask out that person who is way out of your league. Prepare for rejection and be surprised when and if success occurs - and sometimes it will. You have to strive for the stars all the time. Failure breeds success. Nothing fails like not trying.
19) Butt into stranger’s conversations. They are talking about the local sports blowout, just say ‘I know, right?” and give an opinion. In an hour you’ll have new friends.
20) Learn about trust credit and how to extend and demand trust. Trust is a preciously earned commodity. Once you know how to parcel it out and get it back you will gain more confidence.

Monday, July 27, 2020

What is the proper technique of eating food for good digestion?

1. .Avoid Overeating or binge eating, for this, you can have some jaggery or piece of good dark chocolate like this one post your meal.
2. Dont drink water right after your food, drink it after 30–35 minutes post your meal
3. Chew Your food slowly and eat mindfully, the moment you eat at a faster speed you increase the chances of overeating and improper digestion of food
4. Try to have a bit of walk around, post your meal.
5. Avoid eating food while talking with some or watching TV/ YouTube /Videos, try to eat your food with minima distraction and maximum mindfulness.
6. Try to include some gut-healthy foods like curd and pickles along with your meal, As your gut health and digestion is mainly responsible for the number of nutrients your body will absorb not the quantity of food that you eat.
7. Also, try to keep your body cool if your body temperature is hot and it tends to produce a lot of heat first fix that by drinking a lot of water and cooling foods which again will help to make your digestion better.
Some drinks that you can incorporate this summer are coconut water, Buttermilk, Sharbat, Normal Water with cucumber and mint, lemonade(Salty)
Thanks for Reading!!!

Sunday, July 26, 2020

What is the coolest psychological trick?

  1. If you forget someone's name in a social gathering, introduce them to someone you know. They will automatically say their name, and you can capture it.
  2. Refer to people by their name. People loving being referred to by their name, and it will establish a sense of trust and friendship right away.
    1. Say your friend introduced you to Peter. After 5 minutes he decides to leave. Don't just say, "bye", but instead say "Bye Peter!"
  3. When a group of people laugh, people will instinctively look at the person they feel closest to in that group.
  4. If you ask someone a question and they only partially answer just wait. If you stay silent and keep eye contact they will usually continue talking.
  5. If you get yourself to be really happy and excited to see other people, they will react the same to you. It doesn't always happen the first time, but it will definitely happen next time.
  6. Chew gum when you're nervous like public speaking or bungee jumping. If we are 'eating' something in our brains trip and it reasons 'I would not be eating if I were in danger. So I'm not in danger'.
  7. When people are angry at me; if I stay calm it'll get them even angrier, and be ashamed about it after.
  8. On a first date, take them somewhere exciting that will get their heart beating. e.g. roller coaster or horror film. This gets their adrenaline up. It makes them think they enjoy spending time with you rather than the activity.
  9. If you ask someone to do you a small favour, cognitive dissonance will make them believe that because they did that favour, they, therefore, they must like you.
  10. Stand up straight, no slouching, hands out of pockets, and head held up high. It's not just a cliche - you actually feel better and people around you feel more confident in you.
  11. Avoid saying "I think," and "I believe" unless absolutely necessary. These are phrases that do not evoke confidence, and will literally do you no good.
  12. When playing a game of cards, mutter to yourself the exact opposite of what you want to happen. An overwhelming amount of times, the opponent will fall for the bait.
  13. If you want to stare at someone unashamedly, look directly past them and wait for them to try and meet your eyes. When they fail to do that, they'll look around and won't look at you again for some time. This is your chance to straight up stare at this person for at least 45 seconds.
  14. You know how a joke ceases to be funny when you have to repeat it? Well use that to your benefit; if that asshole in the group is making jokes at your expense, act like you can't hear him and ask him to repeat it like 3 times. By the time he says it a 3rd or 4th time, no ones laughing.
  15. Always give people a choice that makes them think they are in control. For instance, when if you want a kid to put his shoes on say, "do you want to put your star wars shoes on or your shark shoes on?"
  16. If you want to gain someone's trust quickly, match their body posture and position. If someone is sitting with her legs crossed cross your legs. Mirroring and matching body position is a subconscious way to tell if someone trusts you or is comfortable with you
  17. People mostly remember the first and last things to occur, and barely the middle. When scheduling an interview, ask what times the employer is interviewing and try to be first or last.
  18. If you really want something from someone, frame it as an offer rather than a request.
  19. You can judge the character of a person by how they treat people who can do absolutely nothing for them.
  20. If you're asking for a favour, always use the word 'because'. It makes them more likely to comply

Thursday, July 23, 2020

What are some unwritten rules in India?

  1. One can find most traditional girls in templesЁЯШВ
  1. A Brother's friend is Brother, A sister's friend is Sister.
  2. Trains are late, except if you go late
  3. You can't go to temples during periods
  4. Bargaining? It's in our blood ЁЯШЬ
  5. Touching feet of elders makes you earn more ЁЯТ░ moneyЁЯШЕЁЯШм
  6. Your character is judged by your clothesЁЯШТ
  7. We have plastic bags full of plastic bags
  8. Whenever there is a shortage of food, parents, especially mom❤️, losts her hunger
  9. Money talks more than words
  10. Using Mobile and smiling? “You are talking to your crush”!!
  11. Get married before 26
  12. We can make a remote work by giving a tight slap
  13. Never say, “I am going”, instead say “I'm coming”
  14. If you are a guy, than ready to give your seat to a girlЁЯде
  15. You should say “no” to the money relatives offer to you., Of course as formalityЁЯШБ
  16. You can call strangers as uncle,aunt, brother, sister
  17. Never visit a relative home with empty hands
  18. Summer means , Mango season ❤️
  19. We follow Street vendors instead of Google maps
  20. Never give even money as a gift., It's consider as inauspicious
  21. Arranged marriage are best
  22. Remove your shoes before going to any auspicious place ЁЯжЛ
  23. Waking up early in the morning makes you a better person., Mom's logic.
  24. Mom's store plastic bags/covers/ safety pins for safety
  25. We preserve cold drink bottles to use them as oil bottles or any other.
  26. Do not waste your food , other wise ready to listen the lecture.
  27. Having a headache? Hair loss?? Low marks?? Mobile is the prime reason according to your mother. MaЁЯШШ❤️
Not all are rules, some are ❤️

How can I get confidence during communication?

  1. Improve your Posture - Stand tall and wide; the more space you take up the better you will feel. Chest out, stomach in, just like in the military.
  2. Be more Open - An open stance signals safety and comfort to both the other person and yourself. Keep your hands out of your pockets, legs apart and arms open.
  3. Talk more - Practice makes perfect, but also practice makes comfortable!
  4. Communicate in Scary Situations - Find a place to speak in front of an audience, join a theater production, or try out some improvisation. Get uncomfortable in big things and you’ll take care of the normal conversations with ease.
  5. Find another Source of Confidence - Become a Master in your hobby, improve drastically at your work or spend a lot of quality time with your family so you have another source to draw your confidence from. The more this matters to you the better!
  6. Let your Stomach Talk - Instead of trying to bring out the sounds from your throat, bring your voice from the pit of your stomach. To practice this try reaching the end of the room with your voice without raising your volume. You can also check your chest and throat while you talk. If just your throat vibrates you are not taking your voice from deep within.
  7. Smile - Smiling helps us feel good, which is in direct correlation to our confidence.

Sunday, July 19, 2020

What are the 12 habits that destroy your focus and productivity?

  • Comparison -
  • the grass is (always) greener (on the other side)
    • You will always find someone better or having more than you
    • Stop comparing yourself with others you are just hurting your self identity -
  • Procrastination
    • I will do it tomorrow - & that tomorrow never comes
  • Dreaming
    • Daydreaming without action is just a wish which everyone has to see himself at the top
    • But you have to make a plan and put all your energies in right direction so that you can turn your dreams into reality
    • which only 1–2% people make it rest keep dreaming
  • Blaming
    • It is the most easiest task to do -
    • Shift all your mistakes to situations , peoples , teachers ,parents
    • example - I failed the exam because my teacher doesn’t know how to teach
    • paper was tough (excuses)
    • Take responsibility of your life - blaming others will lead to self - degradation -
    • If you feel teacher is not good - change the teacher - use online medium
    • anything
  • Watching Motivational Videos
    • Is just like pumping a punctured tyre -
    • they may last for a day , a week or till the duration of video
    • Use them as lesson (upgradation of knowledege - learning new things ) not a solution ex- watching 100+ videos daily
    • Develop inner motivation -
    • Ask yourself
    • what do you want to become ? or
    • Where do you want to see yourself after 10 years ?
    • Your reason should motivate you
  • Overthinking
    • Just like a fan or person running on the same ground in circular motion
    • It is useless -
    • Talk yourself out of it by noticing when you’re stuck in your head. You can tame your overthinking habit if you can start taking a grip on your self-talk — that inner voice that provides a running monologue throughout the day and even into the night.
  • Multitasking -
  • You can’t fill all glasses at the same time -
  • Learn to prioritize things
  • make a list of all the things you do divide them into parts
  • Useless or useful (as per u)
  • Avoid Checking mobile (notification ) /using laptop unless required
  • Learn to minimize distractions
  • It may take time
You are special
Stop following the crowd blindly
Keep building yourself
All the best

What are some good tips to help keep me motivated to study and for school?

  1. Know your goal - Why are you studying? What truly for? It’s not for the good grades, but rather for the life thereafter. What does that life look like? Be as detailed as you can.
  2. Get Emotional - Any emotion can be used to facilitate motivation. Anger, Sadness, Fear, Excitement, Joy, Passion, all can turn into motivation if used right. But first, you must get emotional. Here are some tips on how:
    1. Watch motivational videos.
    2. Listen to inspiring Music.
    3. Think about your past mistakes and that your future may remain the same unless you change.
    4. Look at what is possible going forward.
  3. Start the work first - A lot of the work you do in advance can lead to motivation later. Do not wait for inspiration, motivation and desire to hit. Instead just do it and find the emotional side later. The less you think about what you must do and the sooner you get started, the better.
  4. Sit in front of it - Turn off everything else and just stare at your study notes until you work on it. Do not move away, do not grab a drink or do anything else. Just sit there and wait until your mind is done complaining and fretting over it.
  5. Have a different Intention - Instead of the intention to win, to get good grades, or to succeed, try to see how much you can get out of school or that study session. Explore more than you try to achieve. You’d be surprised at how much a different, less pressured, take can get you.
  6. Change your Mindset - In the end your mindset is crucial to this, and you must change that from the core if you want a lasting change. That means, when you study tell yourself that this is fun, that you want to do this, or that this is for your best interest. Do what you can to slowly change your thoughts, for they will slowly change your actions.

Saturday, July 18, 2020

How do we overcome fear and overthinking?

You have over 70,000 thoughts a day. Are they on your side?
If these automatic thoughts are of misery and fear, then your life will be the same. Sadly, it's the case with 90% of people.
Their thoughts, induced by modern negativity run wild in their minds. These thoughts will control your life unless you find a way to tame them.
Here is a two-step process to stop overthinking.
#1 Record Your Thoughts
When you have a negative thought that's looping and can't get rid of, record it.
Write it down in a journal or use the Evernote app, whatever works.
Remember at this stage you don't have to try to change the thoughts, just notice them.
When you write enough negative thoughts — you will start to see a pattern.
There will be a common themes of error like ‘assuming what people think of you' (Mind-reading), ‘assuming the worst outcome ‘ (Catastrophizing) etc.These are common cognitive errors over-thinkers have and you should look them up online.
Knowing your errors will help you reshape thoughts.
#2 Re-shape Your Thoughts
Pull-up your sleeves and challenge the thoughts with logic.
Example: What f I never achieve my dream?
Have other people achieved similar things? Yes. What's stopping me? My habits and mindset. Are my mindset and habits unchangeable? No, I have successfully changed them for a while. I can do that again. As long as they can be changed, how can there be a never?
You have to tap into the malleable nature of your thoughts and re-shape them with logic.
It's okay if it doesn't work on every thought but keep going.
Once you reshape enough thoughts you will start to see the irrationality of your life-long thoughts and no longer give into them.
All this will take effort, but if you scrape at it daily with imperfect action, you will get there.

Thursday, July 16, 2020

Different kinds of brain activity

I can share my experience from participating in three separate brainwave studies conducted on long-time meditators.
We were each hooked up to about 80 electrodes which recorded brainwaves, breathing, heart rate, oxygen level and a couple other things (I don’t recall). All this was done at a hospital facility and conducted by a senior sleep research doctor, who himself had practiced meditation for many years.
I don’t know the details of all the participants but in my case I was able to enter alpha level almost immediately - this is simply a state of deep relaxation.
One of the things they hoped to determine was, can a meditator reach delta sleep - deep sleep state and still be conscious? The study showed this was indeed possible.
Now, there are more studies coming along using neuroimaging (MRI) to see specific areas of brain activity in real time (if anyone out there is a researcher doing this type of research, I would like to participate!). I have not read all of this research but you can find it online. They have measured variations in brain connectivity and also enlargement of certain areas and shrinkage of certain areas of the brain (again please look up online).
So, this is my take on it so far - I have meditated over 40,000 hours over about 50 years. That is a lot of meditation! I have had many experiences that I would call awakening experiences. Some of these lasted a few days or a week and others were instantaneous and permanent shifts of consciousness.
It’s my feeling that, while there will likely be long term shifts in brain mass, which science has already documented, current technology that only looks at brain activity may not necessarily show any difference in a person who has had an awakening experience.
The reason is, we mistakenly believe that thought activity or lack of it has something to do with higher states of consciousness. This is not always true. It is natural for the mind to have activity and the attainment of higher spiritual states does not in anyway mean the annihilation of thought or thought activity.
It is more accurate to say that you transcend the effects of thought activity but you then use the mind instead of the mind using you.
This too, is only one stage. The master Babuji says, we ultimately transcend even consciousness. These states are not describable because our current conditioned state of perception doesn’t operate at that level. So, just as deep sleep state is not perceptible, superconscious states are also not perceptible or interpretable. We say we don’t remember them. Do you remember deep sleep? No. Do you remember deep meditation? It is possible with practice but most often, no.
I believe we do not currently have the technology to understand states that transcend brain activity itself. In other words, there may be levels of consciousness that are not reflected as brain activity.
The other point is, at the beginning of these type of experiments a baseline is taken from your current wakeful state in order to establish a reference point by which researchers can see deviations.
A person already permanently abiding in an awakened state is there all the time, regardless of all other states of wakefulness, or sleep states such as delta, theta and alpha, which are innate to the body and mind perception but not to subtle consciousness.
Imagine, we are here on the ground in the midst of a big city. We can only see what is around us - the hustle and bustle. We use all our body senses to interpret and navigate the surroundings of our body.
If we were somehow able to move our perception high in the sky, everything would be different - our awareness is now in a different atmosphere. We can see all around, its quiet, we see everything down below but we are no longer “in it.”
Imagine going further with awareness - to space. Now things again are very different - it’s a different atmosphere, now there isn’t even air pressure or gravity. The world is just a small ball in space.
These are examples to illustrate how consciousness can be aware in subtler and subtler inner atmospheres but yet the body is still here functioning as normal. How can we measure those subtle atmospheres when they are more subtle than measurable body functions?
So, these are a few thoughts, again from my own experience and not based on scientific study though I could argue that observing these things is also very much scientific study - but where instruments can’t yet go!
good studies.

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Change Your Life by Changing Your Attitude

Change Your Life by Changing Your Attitude
Can you change your life by changing your attitude | Keep Smiling ...

Each of us is made up of various physical, vital, and mental parts. There is our physical body and its organs, muscles, etc; the vital being with its sensations, emotions and feelings, and the mental part with its thoughts, memories, reasoning power, beliefs, etc. 

Somewhere between our emotions and our thought processing lie our attitudes -- our emotional perceptions about ourselves, others, and life itself. Attitudes generally express positively and negatively, e.g., when I have good feelings towards my work or co-worker, my attitude is positive. When I feel reluctant to do certain things that are necessary, or show hostility towards certain individuals, then my attitude is negative. 

Interestingly, if we can identify a bad attitude and make the effort to change it, life will quickly cooperate with that effort, bringing luck into our lives. Consider this true-life incident:

A salesperson was intimidated about meeting a very large customer. He felt that the effort was a waste of time since the company was too large to penetrate. As a result, he was unable to secure that or any other sale with the large client. 

However, a number of months later, he changed his attitude about working with such large accounts. The very next day, he was stunned when out of the blue that very same large customer, who earlier turned him down, placed a huge order!

As we see, if we change our attitudes, life has a funny way of responding to those efforts. We call this phenomenon a "life response." When we change our attitudes, or otherwise elevate our consciousness, life quickly responds with instances of sudden good fortune. 

If you decide to have a cheerful, outgoing attitude people will be drawn to you. However, if you decide to be miserable and keep to yourself you will only feel worse about your life and your situations.

You can feel better and live a happier more satisfied life, no matter what your circumstances. When you become aware of your current Attitude and understand how your thoughts fuel it you then have the opportunity to consciously choose new thoughts that result in transforming your feelings and your life.

By following the specific technique outlined below you can learn to be the creative force in your life, rather than just reacting to life’s circumstances. 

How Do We Know? We have transformed our lives by using the Awareness-Choice-Change Model and have coached thousands of others to live happier more satisfying lives by changing their Attitude to change their lives.

• Awareness - waking up to your thoughts, feelings and behaviors that you want to change.

• Choice - consciously choosing the thoughts you think.

• Change - altering your thoughts, feelings and actions.

Awareness describes a state of consciousness in which you are alert, awake and conscious of your thoughts, feelings, words and actions. If you want to change your Attitude – it is necessary to be aware of your thoughts and feelings. 

When you notice that your habitual self-talk is judgmental about what you say and do; or critical regarding what you should have said or what you didn’t do then you are on your way to upgrading the software of your mind – your thoughts and ultimately your experience.

Choice is the act of making a decision. To consciously choose the thoughts that support a positive attitude, healthy self-esteem, confidence and well-being you must be aware of both your thoughts and feelings that detract from your feeling good. 

With this awareness you will notice when you are thinking thoughts that undermine your self-esteem and happiness as well as be aware of the thoughts that boost your self-esteem and well-being. A powerful question to consider in order to choose the thoughts that promote feelings of happiness is:

What do I want in this situation?

Whenever you notice you are being critical and judgmental of yourself you can make the choice to strengthen your brain pathways that affirms your positive self. 

Change is where the rubber meets the road, where you put into practice the choices you have made, transforming your thoughts, attitude and feelings about yourself so you embody positive self-esteem, confidence and happiness.

This does not mean there won't be times when you are confronted with your fears of failure or success, or that you won't, on occasion, question your ability. What it does mean is that as soon as you notice you are feeling less than or not enough you will:

1. Be awake to your feelings.

2. Identify the thoughts that result in your feelings of low self-esteem and negative attitude.

3. Shift your attention to thoughts supporting your ever deepening experience of positive self-esteem and happiness.

When you notice that your habitual self-talk is judgmental about what you say and do; or critical regarding what you should have said or what you didn’t do, then you are on your way to upgrading the software of your mind – your thoughts, your attitude and ultimately your experience.

By changing what you are thinking and doing you are automatically giving your brain a message that says, I am person who is in control of my life. I choose to change my attitude and change my life!

You can look at the present moment and view it with distaste, resistance and dissatisfaction or can use it as a gateway to make a different choice.