Tuesday, July 7, 2020

What are some techniques to become stronger emotionally?

Here are 7 ways to become emotionally stronger.
  1. Express yourself: If you feel like crying, then cry. Whatever you feel, don’t be scared to feel it. It’s not a bad thing.
  2. Gratitude: Appreciate the things you already have. And going towards what you want will become 10x easier.
  3. Embrace fear: Only way to get rid of fear is to go through it. Move closer to the things that scare you.
  4. Negative content: Whether it’s people or media, stay away from what drains you. Don’t let negativity seize your mind.
  5. Say No: You don’t have to live for other people. Put yourself first. If things don’t feel right just say no and do something that does.
  6. Challenge yourself: Dare yourself to expand your limits. Take one more step every day.
  7. Victim mindset: Bad things will happen but always look for how can you make it better. Complaining doesn’t help.

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