Monday, July 6, 2020


Imagine there is a lavish party where no guest turned up. Everything is laid over the table but nobody is around.
Who is intelligent in this case?
A passer-by who quietly sneaks inside and eats to his heart's content is the most intelligent person.
Similarly, we are free to enjoy this world with all the priceless gadgets fixed to our body in the form of eyes, ears, tongue and smell. The whole universe is open to us to enjoy. Look at the animals, how they enjoy.
The human being has developed a narrow sense of greed and food for morrow that has made him miserable. We are all hacked into that kind of pathetic behaviour universally.
I don’t want to describe who is intelligent but would like to make all of you intelligent this minute.
If you listen to me, you are already intelligent but unfortunately, you are not aware of your intelligence. Do you know the famous story that is generally told by motivating speakers?
There was a beggar who was begging under a tree for about forty years. He happened to die one day. Locals decided to bury him there itself. They started digging the place where he used to beg. Just two feet deep, they found a huge box which contained gold, emeralds and other precious metals. The poor beggar was begging all the while sitting over the hidden treasure.
In the same way, I would like to point out and show the hidden treasure within you. If you are wise, you can make use of it and become intelligent, happy and blissful this moment.
  • Yesterday, my neck pain radiating to my hand started appearing. I didn’t worry and I didn’t take any pain medication. I just tricked my mind. Sleeping over the bed, I closed my eyes and started prompting my mind as follows:
  • Do you know my mind that my heart is tirelessly beating and I am not aware of it? I have not seen it and there is no possibility of seeing it. Do you know that my digestive system is acting with the secretion of acid, juices by the action of billions of neurons? The gut itself has a nervous system of its own but I am unaware of it. I can respire at the same rate. My mind, you are not controlling, they are all doing their job excellently. Mind, do you know that whenever you become aware of their action, you spoil the whole rhythm. Tell me are you, my friend or enemy? Have you ever stopped advising me? How can I trust your suggestions? Will you please help me just stopping your nonsense for some time? Even in the absence of your thoughts, the physical body is alive. It means your presence is not necessary to be alive!
  • My mind, I know you are myopic and you observe only things that are sensed by the senses and give your report always negative because you think that every other person who is not helping you directly or indirectly are enemies. Please keep quiet for some time and do not bring in new memories that are stored within you. Be quiet.
  • Please cooperate with me to imagine that I am not limited to this physical body. Let me expand and keep expanding. I can become the entire universe (macrocosm) within no time. Surprise of surprises is that the whole universe becomes inside of me when I expand to that level. I still exist as the whole universe.
  • The whole world works within me just as my organs and cells work silently within me. There is no difference. I am relaxed. I have forgotten that there was a person like Sreenathan. I have forgotten that there was something called earth with India China war looming.
  • The world stopped to exist. If stray thoughts were to come, they appeared like a dream. I thought I woke up from my dream.
  • I woke up early in the morning. Tell me, what happened to my neck pain which I was experiencing in the night before going to bed. Was it real or just an illusion?
  • Don’t fall into the trap of the mind that constantly creates insecurity and makes our lives miserable. As long as your health is ok, you are hungry, you can walk and you can relax, you are blessed. Don’t sacrifice these priceless qualities of yours for a non-existing tomorrow.
  • Yesterday is but a dream, tomorrow is a doubtful promissory note. What is now is real and we have to enjoy it without any condition.
  • It is possible if you start supervising the qualities of thoughts of your mind. Have control over your mind. Just observe its thoughts and take a few seconds before you approve the suggestions of your mind. Don’t blindly agree with all its suggestions. If you accept one of its suggestions, turn down the next one without any mercy. You emerge as a successful person and then ‘YOU ARE INTELLIGENT’
Thank you

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