Wednesday, July 1, 2020

What are some things you should never say to someone with depression?

  1. “Happiness is a choice.”
    1. "Great! I'm going to chose to be happy today."
    2. (An hour later) "Hmmm...nope, still sad. I must be doing this wrong, what a failure, I'll just get back in bed now."
  2. “You don't have a reason to be depressed!"
  3. “People have it worse than you do.”
  4. “Cheer up.”
  5. Or even, “cheer up, it could be worse.”
  6. "But your life is so good!"
  7. “Look at my situation” (and then begins to tell you their story and why it's worse than yours).
  8. "You're bringing everyone down, lighten up."
  9. “Just think happy thoughts and the sad ones will go away.”
  10. "You're too strong to be depressed."
  11. "God doesn't want you to be on medication; you should fight this naturally."
  12. "Plenty of people have been through what you went through, it's nothing."
  13. “Depressed about what? You have a great life. Come on, let's go do X!”
  14. "You're not even trying to feel better."
  15. "Your problem is you're focusing on the negative."
  16. "You just have to let it go."
  17. "It's all in your head." Yup, I know it, it doesn't make it any easier.
  18. "Just get over it."
Really,  I had never thought of that. Let me get out of my own head space and just flip that lovely switch back to normalcy.
Thanks, I’m cured.

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