Thursday, July 2, 2020

What are some signs that someone is lying?

  1. They don’t maintain eye-contact.
  2. They refrain from answering “yes” or “no” questions.
  3. They blink more than usual.
  4. They can’t answer random unexpected questions as it catches them off-guard.
    1. Simply asking what they were wearing or what they ate can leave a liar stuttering.
  5. They can’t tell their story backwards.
  6. They’re less likely to be specific.
  7. Liars can’t keep their stories straight. That’s why the police ask suspects to repeat the story again and again.
  8. They reference themselves less while making a deceptive statement.
    1. For example, saying, “Absolutely no party took place in this house” instead of “I didn’t hold a party here.”
  9. Liars tend to be more negative.
    1. Because on a subconscious level they feel guilty about lying.
    2. Example: saying, “my stupid phone battery died, I hate that thing.”
  10. Liars express themselves in simple terms.
    1. This is because our brains struggle to create a complex lie.
  11. Keep them talking about it as long as possible then ask them what happened from last to first or mix up the order of events and look for irregularities.
  12. They give you an overload of information at the beginning of the conversation or after your first question.
  13. They touch their face or nose tip a lot while lying.

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