What is wrong with the Indian education system?

Once I was unable to solve a mathematics problem in class 10 and instead of clearing the doubts to me, the teacher commented that “solving maths is not a girl's cup of tea”.
When the board results were declared, I got 97 in maths which was the highest in my class.
Once during chemistry class, I asked my teacher why the colour of Copper Sulphate is blue?
He made me stand outside the class as according to him the question was “illogical”.
My physics teacher of class 12 taught a cheap level physics to us which was more like a literature class as he explained just the definitions to us. No numericals at all.
When my father complained this to the principal, it offended him and he took that on his “Burj Khalifa” sized ego.
Afterwards, every single day he used to taunt me and boasted upon me for this.
Now, let's flip it.Lets assume that I've asked these questions from a teacher of a different country.
When I was unable to solve the maths problem, she would have assisted me to solve that and I would have given the credit to her for scoring the highest.
When I questioned the colour of Copper Sulphate, My chemistry teacher would have given a proper explanation and lab-methods to clarify my doubts.
When my father complained about the low level physics, the teacher Would have definitely raised his level of teaching.
These are only a few incidents from my school life which forced me to conclude that the students who only mug up things are the teacher's favourite pet, the ones who question things are instantly given the tag of being disrespectful towards the teachers.(No offence to anyone)
You can't deny the fact that Indian education system is a very biased ones favouring just a “few” students and polishing them.
Let's take a dig at our education background.
The reality behind the education system is extracted from the 18th century which has deep remarks showing that India was almost 100% literate before the Britishers came to India.
They liberated the use of English language in every Gurukul and criticized the Gurukuls of India.
Britishers destroyed the Gurukul, the Gurukul were set to fire, Teachers of Gurukuls Were Killed. This Scene Continued from 1840 To 1940 Which Fully Changed the Education System of India and Destroyed It.
Now in India everyone is running for the same purpose that is for grabbing marks, not for the knowledge and it is quite interesting that how it is possible to judge anybody’s knowledge in 3 hours of examination??
We do not appreciate anyone to try the different field. We are itself running on the same path which had made us physically free from British rule but we are still mentally a slave to this European culture.
There are myriad things wrong with the current state of education in India, both in terms of values (of competition) and skills (ability to clear exams) that are unfortunately celebrated and imparted. The content of education is deeply questionable.
The education system in India is worsening because of intrinsic reasons.
- Our present system only relies on the score rather than knowledge.
- There is no scope for students to do an experiment on their own, but in the end, they are going to colleges or universities and having the bookish knowledge doesn’t map them to the real world.
- They are engaged with the courses with their parent choice; even they don’t bother or try to know the courses available with career options.
- Some schools are giving marks based on papers rather than the actual content, and students are unable to cope up with too much pressure which laid them to fill up papers instead of focusing on contents.
That's wrong with Indian education system today.
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