Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Psychology and mind tricks?

When I read the answers, I realize that most of the tricks here are about interpersonal relation, i.e. how to influence someone else.
What about influencing yourself ?
I will give you 5 tricks that you can experiment on yourself.
  1. Feeling angry ? Don’t express, rather explain out loud.
    This is a Buddhist saying. And it is absolutely true. Whenever you feel anger, don’t express it outwardly. Otherwise, you well appear irrational (or “emotional”).
    Instead of getting mad for an external circumstance, try to explain to someone why you feel mad.
    For example when you drive, if someone cuts you off ; tell your partner that this other car is changing the way you behave. Explain what you should emotionally feel as a reaction.
    In a more general way, you can become calm if you start explaining all the feelings that you feel at a particular time.
  2. Struggling to fall asleep because of disturbing thoughts ? Tell yourself a story
    Try to fall asleep with running ideas about your everyday duties. It’s simply impossible.
    Your mind is only asking to make a hiatus after a hard-working day.
    I have an efficient way to make an abstraction of your day : Tell yourself a story. Focus all your thoughts on this story. Give yourself a fictional goal that you have to follow. Use your everyday acquaintances as characters in your story.
    To go further, I would advise you to keep the story up, night by night, just like a series. It would increase your ability to stick to this new habit.
  3. Getting mentally destroyed by a breakup ? Focus on negative sides
    A breakup is never joyful. People might hide it or not, but not so many people extract themselves from a breakup without emotional injury.
    And yet, this is a normal part of life. You need to learn to live with it.
    But there is one simple way to cope with a breakup : Make a list of all the negative sides of your ex-partner. Reverse the nostalgic feeling, start to feel some anger against your partner. From there, you will be able to move on quite quickly.
  4. Want to become a better version of yourself ? There is only one way you can
    Do you want to become “better” ? If you want to become someone different, you just can’t. You can’t be someone else. So how could you become better?
    By becoming closer to who you are. By becoming your true self.
    By staying authentic, you will increase the qualities that are innate to you. A fish is born like a fish ; it will outperform a duck at swimming, but not at flying.
    A good way to know who you are, is to try personality assessment tests. My favorite one is the MBTI assessment[1].
  5. Lack of motivation over an important task ? Use your mirror neurons
    Put yourself in the same room as someone doing the same task.
    Do you need to make some phone calls ? Find someone else to do it together.
    Do you need to revise for your upcoming exam ? Do it with some classmates.
    Your neuron mirrors will observe these people. You will simply shape your own motivations according to theirs.
    A good way to complete your tasks !

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