Wednesday, July 1, 2020

How can I control my subconscious mind?

A quick Fact - Your subconscious mind is always working. While you are awake or while you are asleep.
Now, I ask you do you know how to drive a car? Yes, but when you started you needed to learn how a car is driven. How it works. The gears, the brakes, the clutch and then you started practicing and soon learnt to drive a car.
So, the first question is, How does subconscious mind work?
Repetition of any thoughts/determination/activities trains / teaches your subconscious mind. Basically subconscious works on repetition and habits. Self Talk and action also play a major role in making subconscious beliefs.
How can you control your subconscious mind?
Every morning, millions of people struggle to wake up at whatever time they setup. The snooze button on the alarm is pushed multiple times and it begs you to wake up.
So, first we wake up and then we get up. Waking up is hearing that sound and getting up is getting out of the bed.
But between that waking up and getting up is what world war 3 happens. That instance mind supplies you with a lot of ideas, for example you are tired, you went to sleep late, you need rest.
But can you realise your mind is playing games with you? Yes, with you itself. You decide the previous day that you will get up and then you don’t. But, you must decide the time and then you should conquer that gap. This is most important.
Understand what is happening to you. You are enjoying freedom without discipline. Without discipline, freedom is dangerous. When water is flowing in the banks, it nourishes everything. But when water moves out, it is called floods and it is destructive. When the kite is flying with discipline tied to the thread, there is value to the kite. The moment the thread is gone, kite is just a piece of paper , it is not a kite anymore.
Freedom without discipline is disastrous. So, when you decide to wake up at 7 o'clock and do not wake up, at the outset it seems nothing is happening but inside tremendous damage is happening.
So, when you set a goal saying that I will build a 100 million organization, your own mind doubts you. Potential is there. We all can live a legendary life.
But your own mind doubts you. How? Mind says if you can’t even get up at 7 o'clock, when you decide to do it, how you will achieve 100 millions?
Mind is asking you, if you can’t even control what you can control how you are going to achieve things which are beyond your control?
If the enemy is outside, you can be helped but if the enemy is inside, how can you be helped?
So when your mind starts doubting you, and it doubts you, when you say you will arrive at a meeting by 10 am and do not reach the meeting place at that time, it doubts you. When you cannot wake up the desired time, it doubts you. And over a period of time we build a lot of subconscious doubt and over time so much subconscious doubts we have built. Now, when you want to achieve something big in life, even if everybody around you believes you can, but when your own subconscious has doubted you, even god cannot help you.
But when your subconscious is supporting you, even god cannot stop you from achieving what you want to achieve in life.
You have to build the subconscious belief by making a commitment and honoring a commitment. By making a promise and living by a promise, your subconscious starts taking you seriously.
If you told your parents tomorrow morning to take them to the temple, you must take them to the temple, no matter what happens. You made a commitment, you must honor the commitment.
When you live through this approach for 1 year, your subscious belief goes up.
From tomorrow morning, decide the time to wake up and get up. No matter what. Conquer that gap. Crawl but get up. In some days you will realise your own subconscious belief is believing in yourself and it will be stunning.
Small changes make a huge change over time. Begin from where you can begin.
Honor commitment you make. Small changes, held long enough, become momentous transformations.

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