Sunday, July 19, 2020

What are the 12 habits that destroy your focus and productivity?

  • Comparison -
  • the grass is (always) greener (on the other side)
    • You will always find someone better or having more than you
    • Stop comparing yourself with others you are just hurting your self identity -
  • Procrastination
    • I will do it tomorrow - & that tomorrow never comes
  • Dreaming
    • Daydreaming without action is just a wish which everyone has to see himself at the top
    • But you have to make a plan and put all your energies in right direction so that you can turn your dreams into reality
    • which only 1–2% people make it rest keep dreaming
  • Blaming
    • It is the most easiest task to do -
    • Shift all your mistakes to situations , peoples , teachers ,parents
    • example - I failed the exam because my teacher doesn’t know how to teach
    • paper was tough (excuses)
    • Take responsibility of your life - blaming others will lead to self - degradation -
    • If you feel teacher is not good - change the teacher - use online medium
    • anything
  • Watching Motivational Videos
    • Is just like pumping a punctured tyre -
    • they may last for a day , a week or till the duration of video
    • Use them as lesson (upgradation of knowledege - learning new things ) not a solution ex- watching 100+ videos daily
    • Develop inner motivation -
    • Ask yourself
    • what do you want to become ? or
    • Where do you want to see yourself after 10 years ?
    • Your reason should motivate you
  • Overthinking
    • Just like a fan or person running on the same ground in circular motion
    • It is useless -
    • Talk yourself out of it by noticing when you’re stuck in your head. You can tame your overthinking habit if you can start taking a grip on your self-talk — that inner voice that provides a running monologue throughout the day and even into the night.
  • Multitasking -
  • You can’t fill all glasses at the same time -
  • Learn to prioritize things
  • make a list of all the things you do divide them into parts
  • Useless or useful (as per u)
  • Avoid Checking mobile (notification ) /using laptop unless required
  • Learn to minimize distractions
  • It may take time
You are special
Stop following the crowd blindly
Keep building yourself
All the best

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