Thursday, July 2, 2020

How does God reveal himself to humanity?

God, God, God…… It has become a problem to humanity than being a saviour!
What is your name?
Say, your name is Anisha. You are standing in front of me.
I start the conversation, “Anisha, will you give me your name for a minute, I will give you back.
Anisha says, “No problem, take it, she says by extending her hand.”
“ I don’t want your hand, I want your name’
For the first time, she is puzzled.
Please question yourself, the name given to us is just a transactional tool of our body. It is never there. It is like something letter “X” in algebra. As long as we have not solved the value of “X”, it remains in the problem. Once we have solved it, it disappears.
Is it not time to solve this “X” “GOD”?
Our name disappears when we intelligently question ourselves, “Who am I?”
The light that started 14 billion light-years ago and has not reached us yet, according to the scientists. The light coming from that star may appear in the future. Many stars which are there might have died and it requires many years for them to disappear because it takes time for the light to reach us.
Macrocosm is beyond human imagination but we have defined its creator!
When there is so much out there which is yet to be sensed by us, how on earth we have started describing God, the creator of everything with such certainty and emphasis as though we know each and everything about God.
If God were to create everything like a potter created the pots, we need one huge person with clay and a wheel sitting outside the macrocosm. According to scientists there cannot be anything outside our macrocosm. If there is something, it also falls under the macrocosm.
This is the age of the internet where the human being has advanced so much in technology and awareness.
Why don’t we expand our awareness about God also?
Why are you still blindly following the cock and bull story about God?
Remember, God as what we presume to be God is never there!
God can be realized by us now, this moment, if we use our intellect and extraordinary power that is vested with us. (This is what Upanishads declare)
If I close my eyes, the world disappears and if I open the world appears. Then, why don’t we subscribe to the view that the visual world is created by our eyes? The input from the eyes is decoded in the mind. The next stage is that the mind is responsible for the projection of the world. There is no world if there is no mind.
The mind creates its own fantasy while it is dreaming. Therefore, our mind is capable of creating its own world. But in the deep sleep, there is no creation because the mind is silent and is not functioning.
Who kept me alive while I was deep asleep?
I don’t know who it was?
That must be God.
What happens when we die?
Life deserts the physical body.
That life which leaves the body at the time of death must be God.
What can it be?
Based on the intellectual ability of ours, we can say that this is a property called consciousness. Consciousness must have existence.
Therefore, by our own conclusion, the ultimate common principle that gives life and projects the world must be our own consciousness and existence.
This 'Consciousness and Existence' is Me that is “I”.
Instead of looking for God as an object, find him out in you as the consciousness and existence.
What a great relief that you are made up of God and you are God.
How can one God kill the other God?
Humility, love and gratefulness emerge with this right understanding.
As long as we try to objectify God, there is the problem of fear.
We are fearless consciousness!
Do we hurt our left hand from our right hand? Do we remove our tooth if it bites our tongue? Then, how can we kill another human being?
Humanity hidden within human beings is God!
You are God! It does so much good to believe that you are THAT.
Please read this again and again and try to see whether it makes any sense.
Thank you

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