Monday, July 13, 2020

Believe in yourself

You are still alive.
Everything that you have done so far you have beaten.
Nothing, in all your time alive, has been able to stand against you.
No test, no difficulty, no challenge was so great that you could not overcome it.
Of course it did not all go smooth, and it wasn’t always easy, but you are still here, are you not?
Doesn’t that count for something? Isn’t that worth something?
I’ll even go one step further:
Isn’t the fact that you are still struggling, the fact that you still have not given up on this life, the fact that you are still searching for happiness a testament to your will?
After all the crap that has been thrown your way, after everything you’ve had to overcome and go through, you are still alive!
You are still here, fighting day after day, for a better life!
How incredibly resilient! Stubborn, but also persistent and determined!
For all the crap you’ve been through, you still have not given up that idea that life can get better.
Somewhere, deep inside, whether you are aware of it or not, you believed that there was a brighter future in this for you.
With all of that, how can you not believe in yourself?
How can you be so pessimistic as to say that you will eventually give up when there have been no signs of it?
Yes, you had to give up on some things along the way, but they were only stepping stones to a greater goal.
You took a different path, did not take every path you wanted to, and maybe even blocked a few without wanting to.
But in spite of all of that you still kept walking to that same goal.
If anything, your life so far should show you that you are more resilient than yielding, that you are more enduring and relentless than you like to see.
Believe in that if you cannot believe in yourself.
Believe in the fact that you have made it through this far and that you will find a way in the future, even if you cannot see that right now.
That somehow, somewhere, in some way, shape or form, you will work things out because you have done so every single time until now.
Things will change, you will not always find the best path, and some paths will be very difficult, but, in the grand scheme of things, you will always make it through.

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