Change Your Life by Changing Your

Each of us is made up of various physical, vital, and mental parts. There is our physical body and its organs, muscles, etc; the vital being with its sensations, emotions and feelings, and the mental part with its thoughts, memories, reasoning power, beliefs, etc.
Somewhere between our emotions and our thought processing lie our attitudes -- our emotional perceptions about ourselves, others, and life itself. Attitudes generally express positively and negatively, e.g., when I have good feelings towards my work or co-worker, my attitude is positive. When I feel reluctant to do certain things that are necessary, or show hostility towards certain individuals, then my attitude is negative.
Interestingly, if we can identify a bad attitude and make the effort to change it, life will quickly cooperate with that effort, bringing luck into our lives. Consider this true-life incident:
A salesperson was intimidated about meeting a very large customer. He felt that the effort was a waste of time since the company was too large to penetrate. As a result, he was unable to secure that or any other sale with the large client.
However, a number of months later, he changed his attitude about working with such large accounts. The very next day, he was stunned when out of the blue that very same large customer, who earlier turned him down, placed a huge order!
As we see, if we change our attitudes, life has a funny way of responding to those efforts. We call this phenomenon a "life response." When we change our attitudes, or otherwise elevate our consciousness, life quickly responds with instances of sudden good fortune.
If you decide to have a cheerful, outgoing attitude people will be drawn to you. However, if you decide to be miserable and keep to yourself you will only feel worse about your life and your situations.
You can feel better and live a happier more satisfied life, no matter what your circumstances. When you become aware of your current Attitude and understand how your thoughts fuel it you then have the opportunity to consciously choose new thoughts that result in transforming your feelings and your life.
By following the specific technique outlined below you can learn to be the creative force in your life, rather than just reacting to life’s circumstances.
How Do We Know? We have transformed our lives by using the Awareness-Choice-Change Model and have coached thousands of others to live happier more satisfying lives by changing their Attitude to change their lives.
• Awareness - waking up to your thoughts, feelings and behaviors that you want to change.
• Choice - consciously choosing the thoughts you think.
• Change - altering your thoughts, feelings and actions.
Awareness describes a state of consciousness in which you are alert, awake and conscious of your thoughts, feelings, words and actions. If you want to change your Attitude – it is necessary to be aware of your thoughts and feelings.
When you notice that your habitual self-talk is judgmental about what you say and do; or critical regarding what you should have said or what you didn’t do then you are on your way to upgrading the software of your mind – your thoughts and ultimately your experience.
Choice is the act of making a decision. To consciously choose the thoughts that support a positive attitude, healthy self-esteem, confidence and well-being you must be aware of both your thoughts and feelings that detract from your feeling good.
With this awareness you will notice when you are thinking thoughts that undermine your self-esteem and happiness as well as be aware of the thoughts that boost your self-esteem and well-being. A powerful question to consider in order to choose the thoughts that promote feelings of happiness is:
What do I want in this situation?
Whenever you notice you are being critical and judgmental of yourself you can make the choice to strengthen your brain pathways that affirms your positive self.
Change is where the rubber meets the road, where you put into practice the choices you have made, transforming your thoughts, attitude and feelings about yourself so you embody positive self-esteem, confidence and happiness.
This does not mean there won't be times when you are confronted with your fears of failure or success, or that you won't, on occasion, question your ability. What it does mean is that as soon as you notice you are feeling less than or not enough you will:
1. Be awake to your feelings.
2. Identify the thoughts that result in your feelings of low self-esteem and negative attitude.
3. Shift your attention to thoughts supporting your ever deepening experience of positive self-esteem and happiness.
When you notice that your habitual self-talk is judgmental about what you say and do; or critical regarding what you should have said or what you didn’t do, then you are on your way to upgrading the software of your mind – your thoughts, your attitude and ultimately your experience.
By changing what you are thinking and doing you are automatically giving your brain a message that says, I am person who is in control of my life. I choose to change my attitude and change my life!
You can look at the present moment and view it with distaste, resistance and dissatisfaction or can use it as a gateway to make a different choice.

Each of us is made up of various physical, vital, and mental parts. There is our physical body and its organs, muscles, etc; the vital being with its sensations, emotions and feelings, and the mental part with its thoughts, memories, reasoning power, beliefs, etc.
Somewhere between our emotions and our thought processing lie our attitudes -- our emotional perceptions about ourselves, others, and life itself. Attitudes generally express positively and negatively, e.g., when I have good feelings towards my work or co-worker, my attitude is positive. When I feel reluctant to do certain things that are necessary, or show hostility towards certain individuals, then my attitude is negative.
Interestingly, if we can identify a bad attitude and make the effort to change it, life will quickly cooperate with that effort, bringing luck into our lives. Consider this true-life incident:
A salesperson was intimidated about meeting a very large customer. He felt that the effort was a waste of time since the company was too large to penetrate. As a result, he was unable to secure that or any other sale with the large client.
However, a number of months later, he changed his attitude about working with such large accounts. The very next day, he was stunned when out of the blue that very same large customer, who earlier turned him down, placed a huge order!
As we see, if we change our attitudes, life has a funny way of responding to those efforts. We call this phenomenon a "life response." When we change our attitudes, or otherwise elevate our consciousness, life quickly responds with instances of sudden good fortune.
If you decide to have a cheerful, outgoing attitude people will be drawn to you. However, if you decide to be miserable and keep to yourself you will only feel worse about your life and your situations.
You can feel better and live a happier more satisfied life, no matter what your circumstances. When you become aware of your current Attitude and understand how your thoughts fuel it you then have the opportunity to consciously choose new thoughts that result in transforming your feelings and your life.
By following the specific technique outlined below you can learn to be the creative force in your life, rather than just reacting to life’s circumstances.
How Do We Know? We have transformed our lives by using the Awareness-Choice-Change Model and have coached thousands of others to live happier more satisfying lives by changing their Attitude to change their lives.
• Awareness - waking up to your thoughts, feelings and behaviors that you want to change.
• Choice - consciously choosing the thoughts you think.
• Change - altering your thoughts, feelings and actions.
Awareness describes a state of consciousness in which you are alert, awake and conscious of your thoughts, feelings, words and actions. If you want to change your Attitude – it is necessary to be aware of your thoughts and feelings.
When you notice that your habitual self-talk is judgmental about what you say and do; or critical regarding what you should have said or what you didn’t do then you are on your way to upgrading the software of your mind – your thoughts and ultimately your experience.
Choice is the act of making a decision. To consciously choose the thoughts that support a positive attitude, healthy self-esteem, confidence and well-being you must be aware of both your thoughts and feelings that detract from your feeling good.
With this awareness you will notice when you are thinking thoughts that undermine your self-esteem and happiness as well as be aware of the thoughts that boost your self-esteem and well-being. A powerful question to consider in order to choose the thoughts that promote feelings of happiness is:
What do I want in this situation?
Whenever you notice you are being critical and judgmental of yourself you can make the choice to strengthen your brain pathways that affirms your positive self.
Change is where the rubber meets the road, where you put into practice the choices you have made, transforming your thoughts, attitude and feelings about yourself so you embody positive self-esteem, confidence and happiness.
This does not mean there won't be times when you are confronted with your fears of failure or success, or that you won't, on occasion, question your ability. What it does mean is that as soon as you notice you are feeling less than or not enough you will:
1. Be awake to your feelings.
2. Identify the thoughts that result in your feelings of low self-esteem and negative attitude.
3. Shift your attention to thoughts supporting your ever deepening experience of positive self-esteem and happiness.
When you notice that your habitual self-talk is judgmental about what you say and do; or critical regarding what you should have said or what you didn’t do, then you are on your way to upgrading the software of your mind – your thoughts, your attitude and ultimately your experience.
By changing what you are thinking and doing you are automatically giving your brain a message that says, I am person who is in control of my life. I choose to change my attitude and change my life!
You can look at the present moment and view it with distaste, resistance and dissatisfaction or can use it as a gateway to make a different choice.
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