Monday, July 6, 2020

How do I stay positive during tough times?

  1. Everything starts with how you feel about yourself. Feel worthy. Feel special. Feel deserving of the best in life. Those who seem to have the best in life are no different than you. And you can also feel different by believing yourself to be deserving of the best.
  2. If your present situation won’t matter in 5 years, don’t spend more than 5 minutes worrying about it. No amount of discouragement can destroy you. Worry about what’s gonna happen in the 5 years that matter.
  3. Positivity can be deliberately triggered by the same chemicals in the brain (neurotransmitters) that trigger happiness and joy—dopamineoxytocinserotonin, and endorphins. The good news is that the brain doesn’t care whether you’re happy or sad. All it responds to is the stimuli to be happy or sad, and it begins to respond immediately by releasing the corresponding chemicals.
  4. 2020 is not the worst year of your life. It is the year when nature re-asserts itself as an authority over humans. In fact, it could be the best year yet, because it awakened humanity to the realities of life and challenged our mental faculties to the effect that nature is still the least understood phenomenon in our universe.
  5. Tough times don’t come to destroy you—they come to bring out the best in you. When tough times come, don’t just concentrate on survival or ways to escape, otherwise you’ll miss the big picture. Open your mind and look for ways to take advantage.
  6. Even when all doors are closed, there’s always an escape plan. Don’t give up. Keep looking. Keep searching. Keep knocking. Someone will come to the scene, who doesn’t like the persistent noise of your knockings.
  7. Tough times don’t last but tough people do. How will know you’re tough unless you’ve been tried and tested through fire? How can diamonds be made unless they’re subjected to pressure and heat?
  8. Maintaining a positive mental attitude can defeat the most cruel of situations. Negativity will definitely break the toughest man or woman. When it comes to mind over matter, mind always wins.
  9. Hope cuts through despair like a candle light shinning through darkness or like laser cutting through metal, or like a hot knife cutting through butter. No amount of darkness, however intense, will ever put out the candle light. History is full of hopeful men and women who overcame great obstacles, and also full of desperate men and women who had no hope.
  10. The purpose to exist is stronger than the toughest time. If you find yourself desperate and on the verge of giving up, the bet way to survive is to find a valid purpose to live. More importantly, find a good purpose to live for others.
  11. The best way to stay positive during tough times is to stay active. Just do something. Be active. Do anything, but don’t be passive. Use your imagination. If you’re in a prison cell, imagine that you’re in a track field and jog around your cell. If you’re in a lockdown, exercise your body. Imagine you’re in a gym. Punch the air. Never allow yourself to be static. Maintain focus. Breathe in and out before and after each session of exercise.
  12. Develop a morning ritual, day ritual and evening ritual. Don’t allow yourself to succumb to situations that make you stagnant. Always make sure you’re growing. Good and bad times are part of life, so never let them retard you.
  13. Don’t make a mountain out of a molehill. What you fear will never happen. Most of what you fear is just imagination. What you focus on most, grows bigger in your mind. And what you focus on less, shrinks in size.
  14. Finally, the best way to stay positive during tough times is to stay close to someone who is positive enough and close to you. Two people are better than one. Three are even better. And if you have no one, don’t die yet. Someone who has you in mind has already been sent to you.

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