Monday, July 6, 2020

How do I gain self confidence daily?

To Gain Self-Confidence :
  1. Don't wait for the right moment or for any inspiration to strike (successful people don't wait)
  2. Confidence mainly lies in how much you believe in yourself. (Believe yourself first)
  3. Why is it you show more passion for your past then you do for your future? (Stop blaming your past)
  4. Doing is the quickest way to change your thoughts (doing does more changes than just thinking )
  5. Instead of weighing yourself down with negative opinions, break through the self-imposed barriers (Be optimistic )
  6. You shouldn't let what happens in one area of your life affects your outlook on the whole. (Gain self-control)
  7. Try little thing’s like smiling, eye contact, dressing up, speaking on a topic in front of the mirror.
  8. Think Confidently! If you can’t fake it then you can’t be it.
Your attitude towards something will surely define what you will become!

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