How do I stay positive when nothing is going my way?

1. Take control over what you can, and stop worrying about what you cannot: Some things are within your control, while other things are not. Learn to recognize the difference. Refuse to worry about circumstances beyond your control. Do not allow yourself to become so emotionally entangled that it paralyzes your progress. Things may not always work out perfectly, but the sooner you get over them, the quicker you move on to your next victory. Only you can control your own actions and reactions.
2. Read and listen to positive information. If you fill your mind with uplifting and inspiring information, it will keep yourself motivated. Go to the bookstore or library today and find at least one book on a positive topic that will give you a boost. You need constant reminders telling you that you are capable of overcoming the present problem.
3. Be with positive people as often as possible. Negative people and conversations will have you focused on all the wrong things and make you think negatively. Seek out positive people and do not engage in negative conversations.
4. Speak positive affirmations. Words have a creative force. Regardless of what is going on around you, speak out loud what you want to happen. Write out an affirmation that you can say daily and put it up somewhere that you are sure to see it every day, like your bathroom mirror or your refrigerator.
4. Speak positive affirmations. Words have a creative force. Regardless of what is going on around you, speak out loud what you want to happen. Write out an affirmation that you can say daily and put it up somewhere that you are sure to see it every day, like your bathroom mirror or your refrigerator.
5. Something good to come out of this: No matter how bad a situation is, it is almost certain that something good will come out of it. At the very least, it is likely that you will learn a life lesson. Perhaps you learn not to repeat the same mistake in the future or maybe you move on from a bad situation and find something better. Look for the one good thing that can result when bad things happen.
6. Timing: Everything in life has its place and time. Even the bad stuff in your life has a time and place to be a part of you. Without this, you cannot have the good that is to come. As the weather changes seasonally so do the good and bad in your life. The bad in your life is not to destroy you but to make you stronger. If you believe this, then you can see the positive side of a negative experience.
7. You have overcome past difficulties: One of the things to remember when you face difficulties is that you have handled problems in the past. Do not overlook past difficulties that you have dealt with successfully. Remind yourself of all the past problems you have overcome and you will gain confidence in dealing with the current issues.
8. You need to take care of yourself: When everything seems to be going wrong, take care of yourself. take enough rest, do some exercise, eat nutritious food, and spend some time doing leisure activities. When you take care of yourself well, you will be better equipped to deal with your problems.
9. This too shall pass: Sometimes life has rough patches. You feel like they will last forever. Whether you deal with work-related issues, family problems, or stressful situations, very few problems last for a lifetime. So, remind yourself that things will not be bad like this forever.
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