Thursday, May 21, 2020

What is the coolest psychological trick?

Whenever you are meeting someone new, do you want to feel appreciated and respected within the first 10 minutes ?
Here is a list of 6 cool psychological tricks.
Do them when you face someone.
They work whether you are talking to your new classmate, your crush, your prospect, your favorite singer, etc.
  1. Mirror their words and their body
    People carry their own set of vocabulary. It will differ from yours. But you will earn their trust if you reuse some words they use.
    Same as words, people might have a different body gesture than yours. Try to subtly copy some of theirs.
  2. Rephrase them
    The first meeting can be difficult in terms of understanding each other. I know it very well, I’m deaf (impaired). If you rephrase their sentence (and especially their questions) with words that are closer to yours ; you will show an appreciable effort of understanding.
  3. Be happy with their presence
    Maybe there is something from the person that brings you happiness. Think about it. If you subtly show that the person is bringing a positive presence, it will be felt.
  4. Have a lower pitch for your voice tone
    Conversing is a game of authority. With stress, you will tend to show some weak signs. One of them is a high voice pitch. Think about the servant talking to their master… You would sound like them.
    On the contrary, if you adopt a lower pitch, you would rather sound like a wise person talking to their followers.
  5. Shut up and listen
    New people don’t care about your story at first (unless they identify themselves in it). Just shut up and listen to people. Ask them questions. Show interest in their topic. Not only you will appear more likable, but also you will get more information about the other person, and you will earn a better authority.
  6. “I don’t need you”
    Don’t say this out loud. But it’s good that you think it while smiling.
    Think about the following idea : Whenever someone unknown is needy to you, your first instinct is to step away from them.
    If the person’s interest slips away from your hand, you should be prepared to accept that outcome.

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