Thursday, May 21, 2020

What is self-realisation?

Self Realisation is realising who you ‘truly' are. Realising your ‘true self'. Not what people think you are. Not your name, profession, nationality or any of the identity you assume to be true.
This is done by diving deep within your own assumed layers of identities through process of self enquiry.
This is similar to removing layers of cabbage.
You keep on discarding what you are not and in the end when there is no layer left to be removed, you realise the ‘true self'.

No one can describe the nature of true self, because it is beyond any quality or attributes, it is beyond the reach of thoughts, hence can never be imagined.
Shri Ramana Maharishi used to say that a self realised Guru plays a very important role in this process.
Once you realise your ‘true self', there is nothing left to achieve after that, because you will be so complete and blissful, that no other thing would matter to you.
Unpleasant situations would not be able to disturb your blissful state.
Yogi says:
You will be witnessing everything but will remain untouched and unaffected by your surroundings like a lotus flower blossoms in mud (or sludge).

I found my Guru in a mediation camp in Himalayas which was conducted by an anonymous yogi of Shri Paroksh yogi community based in Pithoragarh.
You can get some authentic guidance in “Self Realisation Audio Guide by Paroksh Yogi Community”
Shri Ramana Maharishi once said -
There are two direct ways of realising your true nature:
either self enquiry or complete surrender
Thanks for reading!

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