Don’t start your day with email notifications
Earlier, I used to check my phone early in the morning to see whether I have got any notifications from my clients or not.
There was always an excitement to know what happened in those sleeping hours. The following questions would usually pop-up in my mind before picking up the phone:
- Have I got the payment?
- Is my article published on the big site?
- Am I getting an offer from a new client?
- Is my existing client asking for more work?
Checking the phones started out as an excuse for getting new opportunities but ended up in addiction. The notifications became the deciding factor for setting up my mood for the whole day.
The days when I didn’t any positive feedback, I used to surround myself with pessimistic thoughts.
If you start your day on a negative note, it becomes difficult to stay active for the rest of the day.
If you are also expecting something from your emails, do the following things:
Check your emails at least 30 minutes after waking up. Fight the urge to pick up the phone.
Don’t expect anything. What has happened has happened. Nothing will change by your thinking.
It is just an email, not an instrument for shaping your mood for the whole day.
Give your mind a rest
Okay, you have overcome the urge to check the emails. Now, what?
Give some rest to your mind. Why?
When we are awake, we put a lot of pressure on ourselves by excessive thinking. Various articles are claiming that human processes 50,000 thoughts in a single day, meaning around 3-4 thoughts in a minute.
If you think our mind takes rest during sleep, you are completely wrong.
At a physical level, the body may seem to be at rest. At a mental level, the person undergoes a series of fear in mind.
Fear of:
- Failing in recovering from losses.
- Not accomplishing the set targets.
- Losing out in the competitive race.
What is the best solution?
It must be your priority after waking up in the morning. Otherwise, you’ll have different excuses to skip this beautiful practice.
Close your eyes. Focus on breathing. Nothing else. I started meditation after following the technique from Alan Watt’s video. Here is the link:
You’ll deviate away from the meditation track in the beginning. It is normal because chaos has become an integral part of our living. So, you’ll have to develop a habit of staying in peaceful state.
Do What Makes You Feel Good
After self-contemplating, devote time to those activities which fuel the rest of the day with full of energy.
I love writing in the morning time. It gives me immense pleasure to share my feelings with the people. I believe in the power of sharing. I write with the intention of learning from others.
Find out what you love doing the most. It can be jogging, gymming, reading books, or anything else.
In the morning, you perform at your peak level. The best way to extract the most out of it to indulge in your favorite things. You’ll get the maximum output.
Don’t postpone your favorite things because the body undergoes a lot of stress as the day progresses.
Stay away from social media clutter (the most difficult one)
I have tried staying away from social media channels for three-four hours after waking up. In that time, I was purely focused on my work.
I must admit it is not an easy task. But, the results were too motivating that I’m planning to adopt this strategy.
“It won’t take much time.” This thought comes to our mind when we reach out to the phone and check notifications from various social media channels.
The reality is different.
It is a trap. After landing on a social media feed, you are transported to a virtual world of aimless scrolling. Unknowingly, you become a FOMO (fear of missing out) sufferer.
This fear develops when you realize you are not a part of the exciting events happening elsewhere by seeing the posts on social media website. You are bombarded with a sea of information.
The best way to boycott the morning social media mess:
Turn off your notifications for:
- Likes
- Tags
- Message
- Comments
- Mentions
In short, make your notification screen free from all social media information. If you want to visit a particular social profile, click the app button to visit your profile. Notifications urge you to explore more things.
Plan out in advance before night.
The productive day starts with a planned procedure. It requires a simple yet effective homework one day before to kick start the next day without any confusion.
Before going to sleep:
- Analyze your day’s progress.
- Based on that analysis, work out an effective strategy for the next day.
Do share your thoughts. It feels great to learn from each other, isn’t?
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