Sunday, May 31, 2020

Highly intelligent people?

Highly Intelligent people are aware of their Full Power.
  1. They know that they are not a Body.
  2. They know that they are the One Infinite Consciousness in the form of Man.
  3. They are aware that they are Thinking Positive Thoughts.
  4. They are aware that they are Thinking Negative Thoughts.
  5. They know that they must reject Negative Thoughts and reinforce Positive Thoughts
  6. They know that they are creating the Physical Reality they are living in with their Thoughts.
  7. They know that they can change their Reality by changing their Thoughts.
  8. They are aware that whatever is happening in their Life it is their Full Responsibility.
  9. They do not blame anyone but investigate what they have been Thinking.
  10. They know that Humanity is in a deep state of Amnesia.
  11. They know that the “Elite” is using Brainwashing and Mind Control to manipulate the Masses.
  12. They know that the “Elite” is controlling the Thoughts of Humanity via the Media.
  13. They know that Brainwashed Human Beings are creating the Physical Reality the “Elite” wants Humanity to create.
  14. They know that the “Elite” is controlled by Evil ETs.
  15. They know that they are here on Planet Earth to awaken to Who We Really Are.
  16. They know that when they are Awake they won’t be anymore the effect of the “Elite” and their imposed Physical Reality.
  17. They know that they are Immortal and Eternal Spiritual Beings.
  18. They know that the death of the Body is not the end of their Life.
  19. They know that at the death of the Body they will decide what is their next Game.
  20. Thus, they know that they are Totally Free and have Unlimited Free Will.
Metaphysics is the only science on Planet Earth that helps Humanity understand Who We Really Are, our Origins and Where We Are Going.

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