How could I apply psychological tricks to improve myself?

Three things:
- LOVE yourself. I mean really, try to fall in love with yourself just like when you fall in love with your spouse. You were born and will die only with yourself, so it will help your life a lot if you are in love with yourself. By love I mean to admit what are the good things about you and your life, live healthy, choose hobbies that you love, learn about your bad habit and mistakes and try to fix it, accept suggestions and criticism.
- Always try to think positive of whatever comes up, but be cautious anyway. Try not to judge too hard before learning Why, How and What Ifs. For example if your friend suddenly shouts at you for no reason, it might be that s/he had a bad day and did not really mean it. Or if you accidentally lose your phone, it might be that your phone will be useful for another person who got it, and that you’ve done an act of kindness without your own permission. But believe me everything in the world happens for a reason and good things normally come after the bad things. Positive thinking is the key.
- Be humble and always position yourself in a place of learning. Think that there’s always someone better than you at another thing, and you can be better not by cheating your way up, but rather by learning from every person. For example in my personal experience, I used to be good at math but then I am not really good in communication, especially in English. In the end, I learned from a lot of people and now manage to communicate in English. You might be really good at cooking but need improvement in computing (for example). Well, we can only keep learning new things until the end of our lives! :-)
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