Thursday, May 28, 2020

Natural ways of skin care

Most of us are aware of the fact that natural ingredients are better than artificial substances for our bodies and our health.
Try to eat healthy, natural foods and eliminate harmful chemicals from our daily lives.
There are some potentially harmful ingredients that you can find in many skincare products: parabens, fragrance, triclosan, formaldehyde, toluene, Sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) and sodium laureth sulfate (SLES):These ingredients can be irritants, and they have the potential to form carcinogen compounds if they are mixed with other chemicals.
Tip #1. Read the label on all your skincare products
It is not uncommon for beauty and skincare products to be labeled as natural or organic (or both), when in reality only a small proportion of their ingredients actually are. Remember that ingredients are listed from highest to lowest concentration. So, for example, if your toner claims that it contains natural ingredients such as rose water, but this ingredient is placed near the end of the ingredient list… It probably only has a small amount of rose water in it.
Tip #2. Don’t try too many new ingredients at once
Natural ingredients are healthier for most of us, but you can still be allergic or sensitive to some of them. If you try out too many new products or ingredients at once and develop an allergic reaction, it will be difficult to determine exactly which product was the culprit.
Whenever you are interested in trying out new products on your skin, make sure you only try one at a time. Use each new product along with your usual routine for a few days.
Tip #3. Harness the benefits of turmeric
Turmeric has become incredibly popular in recent years, and it is easy to see why. It boasts many wonderful benefits, including powerful anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. It has also been found to reduce the sign of aging and sun damage.
Turmeric can even reduce oxidation and improve tissue healing.
Tip #4. Discover the many uses of aloe vera
We have always known that aloe vera is great for sunburns, but that’s not all it can do for your skin. Aloe vera contains vitamins, amino acids, antioxidants, and minerals that can help your skin heal from many types of conditions. It can be used to treat psoriasis, eczema, and cold sores.
Aloe vera has also been used to combat acne, hydrate dry skin, lighten blemishes and reduce signs of aging. You can use aloe vera on its own or combined with other ingredients to make face masks.
Tip #5. Include plenty of antioxidants in your diet
There are plenty of skincare products that contain antioxidants, but if you add these beneficial compounds to your diet, you will also be boosting your overall health. Antioxidants can help your skin combat the damage caused by sun exposure, pollution, and aging.
These are some of the antioxidant-rich foods that can also help your skin naturally:
Nuts and seeds
Sweet potatoes
Bell peppers
Leafy greens
Dark chocolate
Green tea
Tip #6. Take a biotin supplement
Biotin is actually the same thing as vitamin H, vitamin B7 or vitamin B8. Biotin helps create keratin, thus strengthening your nails and hair and improving your complexion. Taking biotin can have other benefits, such as less hair shedding, stronger strands, and less split ends.
It is important to keep in mind that you don’t need to consume a high amount of biotin each day, since humans only need 30 mcg of biotin per day. If you want to start taking a biotin supplement, choose a lower dosage presentation and ask your doctor about possible interactions with any medications you are taking.
Tip #7. Try making your own DIY face and hair masks
Once you have learned more about natural skincare ingredients and how your skin reacts to each of them, you will be able to create endless combinations and adapt them to your specific needs. But in the meantime, you can try out some of our recipes!
To relieve acne and brighten your complexion: yogurt, honey, and turmeric
Oil control: bentonite clay and apple cider vinegar
Super moisturizing: mashed bananas, oatmeal, and milk
Revitalizing mask: yogurt, lemon or orange juice, and aloe vera
Skin-tightening mask: frothy egg white, lemon juice, and honey
Moisturizing hair mask: mashed avocado or mayonnaise, and olive oil
Mask for damaged hair: almond milk and coconut oil
Tip #8. Start using natural soap
Switching to soap made with natural, organic ingredients is a great step if you want to develop a more natural skincare routine. Organic soap is usually made with glycerin, which cleans and moisturizes your skin without being harsh or abrasive.
Tip #9. Make your own face, lip, and body scrubs
Making your own exfoliating scrubs is very easy! You can combine your favorite healthy oil, such as olive oil or coconut oil, with an exfoliating ingredient like sugar or coffee grounds. You could also add other beneficial ingredients, such as your favorite essential oil.
Store your scrub in a sealed glass container and keep it in the fridge, and you will have an affordable, healthy scrub that will last forever..
Tip #10. Use coconut oil as a moisturizer
Cold-pressed, extra-virgin coconut oil can be a wonderful moisturizer. It has antimicrobial properties that can fight acne and infections, and it can also reduce inflammation. Coconut oil can help relieve conditions like eczema, psoriasis, and dermatitis.
You can also use coconut oil as a lip balm, or add it to different homemade face and hair masks.

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