Monkey Business
As per Darwin’s theory, human beings are evolved from monkeys. OK? Then why should monkeys still exist along with human beings?
I will tell you why.
Long long ago in a forest there lived three friends, a baby tiger, a baby python and a baby monkey. One evening all the three of them were having a chit chat.
“After I grow up I will become a big tiger like my father. I will climb very high trees, run at a speed of hundred km per hour and catch big animals as big as an elephant” said baby tiger proudly.

“After I grow up I will become very very fat like my mother. My mouth becomes so big that I will be able to swallow a big goat very easily” said baby python happily

Baby monkey kept quiet and suddenly became very sad.
“Hey why don’t you speak? What will you become after you grow up? “ asked both of his friends.
“Do you know that Darwin’s theory says that human beings are evolved from monkeys?” asked baby monkey.
“of course we do” said both his friends in a chorus.
“You know what? Human beings have to go to school after they grow a bit old and do lots and lots of home work and show their progress card to their parents and have good scolding. After they still grow bigger, they have to go to office and work.. work.. work.. and if they don’t like to work they have to butter their boss. I don’t want to do home work. I don’t want to work in an office. I don’t want to miss jumping from tree to tree, I don’t want to miss eating guavas directly from the trees. I don’t want to miss putting monkey faces at other animals. So I don’t want to grow big and become a human being” said baby monkey sadly.
“Who said you HAVE TO become a human being after you grow up?” demanded baby tiger.
“Darwin” said baby monkey innocently.
“No! if you don’t wish to become a human being after you grow up, nobody can force you! Even Mr.Darvin!! You can as well remain a monkey even after you grow up“ said baby tiger confidently.
“Is it so? “Exclaimed baby monkey.
“I will be a monkey …I will be a monkey….” cried baby monkey happily jumping from tree to tree.

Thus human beings have been evolved from all the other monkeys except our baby monkey. And the monkeys now we see are the descendants of that particular monkey.
Moral of the story: If you want stay as a monkey stay as a monkey
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