Sunday, May 24, 2020

Dos and Don'ts?

  1. Seek attention.
  2. Surround yourself with negative people.
  3. Say “yes” to everything.
  4. Expect appreciation. Nobody owes you anything.
  5. Engage in gossip.
  6. Speak when you're angry.
  7. Think pessimistically.
  8. Say “what if.”
  9. Say “I can't do it.”
  10. Leave deadlines until the last minute.
  11. Be harsh on yourself.
  12. Let your past define your present.
  13. Repress your emotions.

  1. Think optimistically.
  2. Give yourself a break.
  3. Love yourself.
  4. Respect your parents.
  5. Look after your siblings.
  6. Be charitable.
  7. Be kind but assertive.
  8. Save money and never spend excessively.
  9. Be confident.
  10. Seek help if you are unwell.
  11. Ask questions if you do not understand.
  12. Be humble.
  13. Stay organised.

If your mind is stable, you can achieve anything.
Success starts with you.

P.S These are the dos and don'ts of MY life. Of course, they're not applicable to everyone.

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