Tuesday, May 26, 2020

What are the best ways to make your life easier?

If you want to reserve your energy
  • Don’t say ‘Yes’ to convince everyone. There’s no relevance of entertaining people by degrading your energy levels.
  • Be an observer. Before reacting to any stressful situation, take yourself out from the equation. Once you become an observer, you become more responsive and less reactive.
  • Stay away from judgments. Save your time and energy by devoting time on self-improvement. There’s so much to life rather than judging other’s lifestyle.
If you want to remove negativity
  • Pour out negative feelings on paper. The more it stays in your mind, the more harmful it becomes.
  • Make a note of your dreams. When you are feeling low, read them aloud and visualize their beauty.
  • Let yourself cry. If you don’t feel like crying in front of anyone, do it alone. Never suppress your inner feelings for the fear of sounding weak and vulnerable.
If you want to have fun
  • Interact with kids. They’ll make your life look easier with their carefree nature. Learn how they see simplicity in complexity.
  • Connect with like-minded individuals. It’s fun to be with people who understands your vision. They know how it feels when life become a mess.
  • Call you best buddy. A simple talk will refresh your mind. Without even sharing the problem, you’ll feel light from within.
If you want to bring down your stress levels
  • Go for a short walk. Just leave behind the work and move out from your place. Just absorb the surroundings
  • Connect with yourself. Close your eyes and focus on your breathing pattern. The more you focus, the more you feel relaxed.
  • Listen to your favorite track. The soothing power of music will boost the quality of your life.
If you want to absorb maximum output for minimum input
  • Make notes. Keep a diary with yourself or use an Evernote app. Revisit the notes once a week. You’ll be surprised to see the positive impact.
  • Make a gratitude list. When you are grateful, negativity takes a back seat.
  • Read a book. It helps you forget your issues for a small time. You might get some great life lessons from author’s perspective.

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