Wednesday, May 27, 2020

What do teens today want parents to understand about their generation?

This is addressed to not just parents (mine are very understanding), but elders in general:
  1. Don’t invade our privacy.
  2. Just because I don’t want you to go through my phone, doesn’t mean I have something to hide.
  3. And no, I don’t exchange nudes or send lewd texts but regardless, I don’t particularly want you to see a 3 am conversation where my friend is venting to me.
  4. You’re just as addicted to social media as we are.
  5. I'm not trying to disrespect or "talk back" to you just by trying to say you're not right.
  6. We are not "too young to be tired".
  7. Just because I made a friend of the opposite gender does not mean I am marrying them tomorrow.
  8. We have our own thoughts, opinions & dreams which are valid. We’re not always a mini-version of you.
  9. Stop comparing our lives as we’re different people from different times.
  10. Don’t dismiss mental health.
    1. My parents make it a priority but I know so many friends who’re suffering only to have their parents say they’re faking it.
  11. Clinical depression isn’t something you can snap out of with a nice walk outside.
  12. When I want to be left alone, leave me alone.
  13. The reason we don’t open up to you is often that we don't think you'll reflect upon it but instead, jump to the first conclusion that comes up.
  14. News flash: guilt-tripping teenagers doesn't work.
    1. Example, if I say I wanna die, don't say "then I guess I'm a shitty parent."
  15. Accepting that you made a mistake makes us respect you more.
  16. "Because I said so" is not a valid argument.
  17. Please don't judge my choice of music if you don't know anything about it.                                             C Chitra

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