Thursday, May 21, 2020

What are the most interesting facts about human behavior?

  1. When someone lies to you, the person tends to look up and then their left.
  2. When someone asks you a question randomly, most of the time you think about bad things you’ve done recently.
  3. If a person is being watched, he/she tend to behave more properly and becomes cautious about their actions.
  4. People who understand sarcasm can very well read other people’s mind.
  5. Laziness is part of life which depends on your ability to prioritise the things and doesn’t reflect bad behaviour.
  6. People tend to text faster when someone they like sends a message.
  7. Most people tend to enjoy the old songs a lot as there are memories attached to them.
  8. Most the decisions are made from sub conscious mind.
  9. Eye contact tells a lot about other person.
  10. Tension/ Stress is reduced when you start to engage in your favourite hobby/ work.
Hope you correlated with a few points. Cheers!!!

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