Saturday, May 23, 2020

kids story

As you mentioned, for kids only. Below are few I found very interesting for kids
  1. Ganesha Story - Playing with catBal ganesh (With images) | Ganesha pictures, Ganesha painting ...
Ganesha was a kid and always like to play. One day he saw a cat in the garden. He started playing with cat which was initially going in a sober way, but later he started playing hard with cat, causing injuries to cat. Cat tried to escape but was unable to do so. She got scratched on her face and body. Ganesha left her and went home to his mother Parvati (parvati is mother goddess and goddess of earth and creatures). When Ganesha saw his mother, he was shocked. Her mother's face was in blood and scratch on her body. She was in very pain, Ganesha got angry and asked who had done it. Parvati replied that he is only responsible for it. Ganesha then recalled what he had done to cat, which in turn was suffer by her mother. Ganesha felt sorry for what he had done and promised never to do it again.
  1. Arjuna story - Archery competitionmahabarat #art #inspiration #visual Fanart of Arjuna,Mahabharat,by ...
Dronacharya was guru of all Kauravas and Pandavas. One day, he set a archery competition of hitting a puppet birds eye which was a fear distance above in a tree.
Few of its students tried but we're not able to do so. Then, when one of student was trying, he asked to pull the thread and then tell what he sees. Student pull the thread of bow and tells that he is saying his guru, trees, sky. Guru then tell to hit and was obviously missed by the students. He repeated the scenario with other students and they all have nearly the same answer. Guru Dronacharya then called Arjuna, his favorite student and told him the aim at the bird. Arjuna then pull the thread and wait for his guru command. Dronacharya asked him what he is seeing. Arjuna said, he can see only the birds eye. Dronacharya asked whether he is able to see leaves and other things. Arjuna denied and said he is just able to see birds eye and nothing else. Drona then command to release the bow and obviously it hit the birds eye.
Focusing on you targer and not getting distracted from other things can achieve your goals.
  1. Krishna story - Brahma egoPin by Dhaval G on Krishna | Krishna painting, Krishna radha ...
Krishna was a small kid in Vrindavan and had done unimaginable task and was great saviour. When lord Brahma(the creator) came to know about it, he was surprised as how a small kid can do such things which is difficult for an army or great warriors.
Brahma then decided to test Krishna. As Krishna use to take cow's in forest for grazing along with other kids from Vrindavan everyday. When Krishna and his friends were taking nap in afternoon, lord Brahma kidnapped all boy's along with cow's. He took them to Brahmaloka and hibernate them in long sleep.
Krishna when woke up was surprised not find his friends and cow's. With his divine vision he came to know who's conspiracy was it. Krishna didn't retaliate but he took form of kids and cow's that were taken by Brahma. When all returned to village, all parent and calf feel a special holistic affection. Parents were feeling special about kids and calf were more affectionate towards mother cow. They didn't came to know what had happened. Brahma was happy guessing for what he had done will make problems for Krishna. But nothing happened. Life was as normal as it was in Vrindavan for many many days. Brahma got frustrated and went to see Krishna when he was in forest. Lord Brahma saw each kid and cow he had taken. With his divine vision, he saw Krishna in every form of cow and other kid. Krishna was everywhere. He got to know what mistake he had done. Krishna then called Bhrama of all universe. The sky was filled with Brahma’s like stars in sky at night and he was just one of them. Bhrama then begged to Krishna to pardon him. Krishna pardon him and Bhrama got all kids and cow's back on earth. Everything was back to normal and nobody came to know what happened.
Hope you like the stories…

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