Saturday, August 22, 2020

What happens when your third eye opens?.


What happens when your third eye opens?.

1.     Mind eye is waiting for millennia to open, once it is open, it will revels all secrets of nature and its creation.

2.     Your sexual desire completed vanished and not only sexual energy, all desired will drop out.

3.     No one can attract you however you will be like magnet everyone will attracted towards you.

4.     Whatever thoughts comes while meditating on third eye, it will comes to true.

5.     For you whole physical existence will appear as virtual reality and there is no difference between dream and day life.

6.     you are blessed and enjoying Ananda which is beyond sweetness and sorrowness of duality life.

7.     When you keep on doing deep meditation on third eye, you will start pervading and realized your etheric body and can know ultimate reality.

8.     You will see very white color shower of light of lights which is essence of living life.

9.     People who will see in your eyes either gets hypnotized or his subtle body will gets vibrated.

10.If you are not dancing, then natural dance will start into you.

Opening of third eye (jnana netra) means enlightenment, which comes are receiving the true divine knowledge from the preacher. Like the following will give enlightenment in the angle of universality of God.

The same single God revealed Himself distinctly in different places, in different times and to different people in different forms. He granted the same enlightenment to all in different tongues [languages]. All those faithful attain salvation upon receiving the enlightenment. Those who fail to receive are subjected to the liquid fire in hell. This approach towards God makes Him unblemished. The God of all religions is one and the same. He may appear to be different due to differences in His approach to different people, in different times, in different forms and in different tongues. He nurtures all with same compassion.

The sea receives all the rivers in the same way, whether they are straight or curved. The devotion is important and not the religion or path. If the straight river becomes proud and mocks at the curved river, God will see that the straight river will never reach Him. By His will, people will build a dam on that river to divert all the water!

Everyone needs to follow the path assigned in his faith to attain salvation. Every religion has different levels of spiritual enlightenment. One should move up to the higher level for comprehension of the total enlightenment. Such enlightenment alone is the means of salvation.

These levels of enlightenment in each religion are similar to the levels of education. Different religions are similar to different language mediums. The content of the curriculum is same in all the language mediums. A pupil of a certain language should strive to reach higher levels of knowledge in the same medium of his choice. He is a pilgrim in pursuit of divinity. His medium is his opportunity. It is neither superior nor inferior to any other medium. He need not move on to another language medium to uplift himself. All the language mediums are different religions with different levels of knowledge.

A school student studying science in a particular medium (language) need not change his medium, because even if he changes, the syllabus will not change. He should strive to change his syllabus by raising his standard of knowledge and reach to college level in the same medium. The school and college levels exist in every medium. A school student does not become a college student just by changing the medium of his class. He becomes a college student only, when the level of his knowledge rises up. Similarly, a devotee of any religion should try to reach the higher spiritual level in his own religion. His spiritual level is not raised by changing his religion.

Every religion has the lower and higher levels of spiritualism meant for devotees of corresponding stages. Religion is the medium and spiritualism is the curriculum or syllabus with different levels (school level, college level etc.,) present in the same religion.

One shall strive to reach the higher levels of knowledge that are carved out in his own faith. No one needs to move on to another faith for higher level of knowledge for the will of final salvation. All faiths lead to the same destination. In any path, you will have to proceed vertically to reach the goal. At any point of your path, if you travel horizontally, you will reach the same point of level in another path, which is a waste. The realization of this truth alone ensures harmony among different faiths of the world. Failure to perceive the truth will not make anyone enlightened.

Chitra Cherweroyar



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